: Праздники в Сиднее с Курской-Коренной иконой

В начале ноября в Сиднее прошли торжественные литургии в Петропавловском соборе и на следующий день в женском монастыре в Кентлине.

3 ноября священники и прихожане Австралийско-Новозеландской епархии РПЦЗ поздравляли своего Первоиерарха Митрополита Илариона с Днем тезоименитства. На литургии в Свято-Петропавловском соборе в Стратфилде участвовали три архиерея и около 15 священников, среди них настоятели почти всех крупных храмов РПЦЗ в Сиднее и Мельбурне. По-настоящему праздничное настроение создавал прекрасный хор собора, усиленный певчими из других храмов. (more…)

: Holy Kursk-Root Icon at Holy Protection Church, Cabramatta – 5 November 2011

On Saturday 5 November 2011 the Holy Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God was brought to the Protection of the Holy Virgin parish in Cabramatta.

The Divine Liturgy was celebrated by His Eminence, Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad together with the rector Archpriest Boris Ignatievsky, Deacon Ivan Bots and visiting clergy. His Grace Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada was also present. (more…)

: Our Lady of Kazan Convent, Kentlyn, Feast Day and arrival of wonderworking Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God – 4 November 2011

The Convent of our Lady of Kazan, “New Shamordino”, in Kentlyn, celebrated its Feast Day on 22 October / 4 November 2011.  In the morning the Blessing of Water was celebrated by Hieromonk Euthemy with Protodeacon Herman Polorotov.

Soon after the blessing of water the ringing of bells signified the arrival of Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.

His Eminence served the Divine Liturgy together with His Grace Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada and six priests and three deacons.

At a “Mercy of Peace” the spiritual joy of the parishoners was greatly increased by the arrival of the wonder-working Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God with it’s guardian Deacon Nicholas Olhovsky who were brought to the Convent directly from the airport by the Dean of New South Wales, Archpriest Nikita Chemodakov. (more…)

: His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion celebrates his Names Day at the Diocesan Cathedral – 3 November 2011

On 21 October/03 November 2011 on the occasion of his Names Day (the commemoration of Saint Hilarion the Great, Saint Hilarion of the Kiev Caves and Saint Hilarion, Metropolitan of Kiev) His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Diocesan Cathedral of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.

Serving with His Eminence were His Grace, Bishop Irinej of Australia and New Zealand of the Serbian Orthodox Church and 11 priests and 5 deacons.  His Grace Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada prayed in the altar. (more…)

: Празднование Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы в Блэктауне

Без преувеличения можно сказать, что в Русской земле, в Русской Православной Церкви нет имени более любимого, более святого и дорогого, нежели пресвятая Богородица. С самого начала пришествия христианства на русскую землю вошла в души наших предков и Пресвятая Богородица, которую сразу стали величать Заступницей, Помощницей, Защитницей. В дохристианскую эпоху на Руси издревле был священ культ матери. Культ же Божией Матери стал культом высшей святости, воплощением всех христианских добродетелей. Кроме того наши предки воспринимали Богородицу как общую – любимую и близкую Мать, родную всем и великую заступницу перед Господом. Пресвятая Дева неизменно была для русского человека мерилом совести. Свою любовь и почитание Божией Матери люди разного социального положения: от царя до простолюдина, выражали не только в молитвословиях, прославляя Её как «честнейшую херувимов и славнейшую без всякого сравнения серафимов», но так же возводя в Её честь храмы, монастыри, часовни. (more…)

: Announcement – An evening with His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion

: His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion serves the Divine Liturgy at the Diocesan Cathedral, 23 October 2011

On Sunday 10/23 October 2011, the commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council and the Holy Elders of Optino, His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroard, served the Divine Liturgy at the Diocesan Cathedral of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.

Concelebrating with His Eminence were the Cathedral clergy as well as a visiting hieromonk from Byelorussia and Deacon Martin Naef from the All Saints of Russia Church in Croydon.

After the Divine Liturgy the annual general meeting of the parish took place in the parish hall. (more…)

: Communique of the Second Episcopal Assembly of all canonical Orthodox Bishops of Oceania

The members of the 2nd Episcopal Assembly of all canonical Orthodox Bishops of Oceania welcomed once again the opportunity to meet in Sydney from October 16-17, 2011, under the chairmanship ex officio of His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos of Australia.

The Assembly commenced with prayer at the central offices of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, Redfern.

Present were: His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos (Ecumenical Patriarchate – Australia), His Eminence Metropolitan Paul (Antiochian Patriarchate), His Grace Bishop Irinej (Serbian Church), His Grace Bishop Mihail (Romanian Church), His Eminence Metropolitan Amphilochios (Ecumenical Patriarchate – New Zealand), His Grace Bishop Ezekiel (Assistant Bishop), His Grace Bishop Seraphim (Assistant Bishop), His Grace Bishop Nikandros (Assistant Bishop), His Grace Bishop Iakovos (Assistant Bishop), the Very Rev. Father Michael Protopopov (representing His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of the Russian Orthodox Church) who read a letter of greeting from His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion) and Rev. Father Michael Smolynec (representing His Eminence Archbishop Ioan of Parnassou of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the Diaspora). (more…)

: Announcement regarding Holy Cross Mission, Melbourne

: Peter’s Quartet at St Patrick Mission, Adelaide

St Patrick Orthodox Mission had an added blessing at the Divine Liturgy on Sunday 2 October (n.s.)/ 19 September (o.s), when the St Petersburg Quartet joined our choir in singing for the service.

The St Petersburg Quartet, or Peter’s Quartet, was created in May of 1994 by four graduates of the St Petersburg Conservatory: Igor Krushelnitsky (conductor, bass, piano), Paul Napalkov (baritone), Arseny Garibjan (2nd tenor), Anatoly Lomunov (1st tenor, guitar). (more…)