: Holy Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God visits Saint Nicholas Church, Fairfield

On Tuesday 15 November 2011 the Holy Kursk-Root Icon was brought to the Saint Nicholas Church in Fairfield.

An Akathist to the Mother of God was led by His Grace Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada together with Archpriest Nikita Chemodakov, Dean of New South Wales and rector of the Saint Nicholas Church, together with Archpriest Boris Ignatievsky, rector of the Holy Protection Church in Cabramatta, along with  Protodeacon Herman Polorotov and Deacon Nicholas Olhovsky. (more…)

: Announcement – Holy Kursk-Root Icon in Hornsby, Newcastle and Gosford – 19 November 2011

On Saturday 19 November 2011 the wonder-working Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God (Курская-Коренная икона Божией Матери «Знамение»), the Protectress of the Russian Diaspora, will visit Hornsby, Newcastle and Gosford. This icon, dating back to at least 1295, is one of the great holy icons of the Russian Orthodox Church. (more…)

: Announcement – Holy Kursk-Root Icon Visits the St George Parish, Carlton – 18th November 2011

Kursk-Root Icon Visits the St George Parish, Carlton, this Friday, 18th November, 2011

With the blessing of
Archbishop of Sydney, Australia and New Zealand
First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia

Location:  Saint George Russian Orthodox Church
15 Garfield St, Carlton, Sydney.

7:00pm: The Supplicatory Canon (Moleben) to the Holy Theotokos and the Blessing of the Five Loaves will be served in English.

8:00pm: A short sermon will be given by Father Kosmas in the Church.

8:30pm: An Akathist to the Kursk-Root Icon will be served in English for those who wish to stay.

For more information call:    (02) 9558 2207

: Holy Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God visits Saint John the Baptist Skete, Kentlyn

On Monday 14 November 2011 the Holy Kursk-Root Icon was brought to the Saint John the Baptist Skete, Kentlyn by Protodeacon Christopher Henderson.

An Akathist to the Mother of God was led by Hieromonk Joachim together with Protodeacons Christopher and Constantine.  The choir was joined by Abbess Maria and some of the sisterhood from the Convent of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

Due to the unseasonal heat the akathist was served outside.  This was a wonderful experience as the stars came out as the service was ending and it was very peaceful and pleasant in the green surroundings. (more…)

: Kursk-Root Icon Medallion – now available

: Establishment of Saint Seraphim Community Russian School, Hornsby

Dear friends,

An energetic group of young Russian Orthodox parents from the Hornsby area, members of our Gosford parish, have with the blessing of Metropolitan Hilarion recently established the Saint Seraphim Community Russian School.  Classes will begin this coming Sunday, November 13, at Mount Colah Public School. (more…)

: Великое освящение церкви Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы в Ле Бон Bay

«Яко вышния тверди благолепие, и нижнюю споказал еси красоту святого селения славы Твоея, Господи, утверди сие во век века и приими наша в нем непрестанно приносимыя Тебе моления Богородицею, всех Животе и Воскресение» (Тропарь обновления Иерусалимского храма).

29 октября 2011 года милостию Божией совершилось Великое освящение православного храма Покрова Богородицы в поселении Лебонс Бэй, на Южном острове Новой Зеландии, созданного по благословению Его Высокопреосвященства, митрополита Илариона, Первоиерарха РПЦз, в месте проведения ежегодного православного детского лагеря. (more…)

: Consecration of the Protection of the Mother of God Church in Le Bons Bay

“You have revealed the beauty of the holy dwelling place of Your glory on earth to be like the splendour of the heavenly firmament, O Lord. Through the prayers of the Theotokos, strengthen it for ever and ever and accept our supplication which we ceaselessly offer to You therein, the life and resurrection of all.” (Troparion to the Founding of the Church of the Resurrection in Jerusalem)

By God’s Grace the Russian Orthodox church of the Protection of the Mother of God in Le Bons Bay, on the South Island of New Zealand was consecrated on Saturday, October 29 2011. The church was built with the blessing of Metropolitan Hilarion, the First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad at the location of the annual children’s Summer Camp. (more…)

: Video from Holy Protection Church, Cabramatta – 5 November 2011

The Parish of the Holy Protection of the Mother of God in Cabramatta now has a website with video from 5 November 2011 – the visit of the Holy Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God and His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion and His Grace Archbishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada and the ordination of Deacon Andrew Morgan.

See the videos here.

: Invitation – Joint Serbian-Russian picnic