: Relics of Saint Innokenty of Irkutsk arrive in Australia

Saint Innokenty lived during the reign of Tsar Peter I and became the first bishop of the Diocese of Irkutsk. He taught reading and writing to the local Buryat children, painted icons, built chapels and churches, prayed and preached.

As Priest Alexander Abiduev of Holy Trinity Church in Ulan-Ude, Russia, explained, “After a fire in the church of Voznesensky Monastery, where he was buried, though the church was burned to the ground, his relics were unharmed and discovered to be incorrupt. When he was to be re-interred, it was found that even his vestments survived. The local believers began to notice miraculous healings and miracles occurring from his relics.  When people saw this, they started to pray to the saint, and many of their pleas were answered. With time, this led to the decision to canonize him and count him among the saints.” (more…)

: Invitation – Youth Talk on “The Soul After Death”

: Relics of Saint Innokenty of Irkutsk to visit Australian & New Zealand Diocese – 5 to 19 February 2012

The Holy and Wonderworking Relics of Saint Innokenty, first bishop of Irkutsk,
will visit the Diocese of Australia and New Zealand from
5 to 19 February 2012.


: Invitation – Talks by Fr Kosmas at Saint George Church, Carlton

: Invitation / Приглашение

: Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ celebrated at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield

On the Great Feast of the Baptism of our Lord, 6/19 January 2012, the Great Blessing of Water was celebrated at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, outside, at the entrance to the cathedral.

This was the first opportunity for many to see the new icon mosaic of our Lord Jesus Christ together with the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul which was loving completed by Archimandrite Alexis (Rosentool) of Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Bombala, and his many helpers, and was recently installed above the entrance to the cathedral. (more…)

: Сибирский казак в Мельбурне – 27-28 января

27 января 2012 в 7 часов вечера  в зале Покровского собора (1-7 Albion Street, Brunswick East VIC ) состоится концерт казачьих песен (Донских, Кубанских, Сибирских и Забайкальских) Цена билета $10.

28 января 2012 с  10 утра  до 5-30 вечера в зале Покровского собора в состоится семинар по казачьей самообороне (Цена – включая получение сертификата $50)

для дополнительной информации звоните 0416 378 305 


: Nativity of our Lord at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield – photoreport

The Great Feast of the Nativity of our Lord was celebrated at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral by the Cathedral clergy – Archpriest George Lapardin, Priest Simeon Nekipelov, Protodeacon Boris Evstigneev and Protodeacon Alexander Kotlaroff.

Please see below for a photoreport from both the eve and the day of the Feast. (more…)

: Nativity Epistle of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia

Most Reverend fellow archpastors, most honorable fathers, brothers and sisters!

With profoundly heartfelt spiritual joy I greet all the faithful children of the Russian Church Abroad, spread all over the world like kernels of God’s wheat, with the great and salutary Feast of Christ’s Nativity! May the Lord send all of us this joy which saves the world. This gladness is the fruit of the struggle of faith, and stems from the triumph of the Incarnation, from God becoming man, from hearing the celestial doxology from the heavens above the city of Bethlehem. (more…)

: Рождественское послание Первоиерарха Русской Православной Церкви Заграницей

Преосвященные собратья-архипастыри, всечестные отцы, братья и сестры!

С чувством глубокой духовной радости приветствую верных чад Русской Зарубежной Церкви и всех русских православных верующих, рассеянных, как Божия пшеница, по всему миру, с великим и мироспасительным праздником Рождества Христова! Да пошлет всем нам Господь эту спасающую мир радость. И подвиг веры, и плод ее должен быть этой радостью, от торжества Боговоплощения и вочеловечения, от слышания небесного славословия и неземного мира, воспетого над градом Вифлеемским.

В дни рождественских святок особенно чувствуется любовь Божия к нам, грешным, ибо несмотря на то, что человечество отвернулось от своего Создателя, Творец стал тварью, Всемогущий Бог сошел с небес и стал одним из нас, родившись беспомощным младенцем в убогой пещере, куда загоняли скот в плохую погоду. Бог становится человеком ради того, чтобы совершилась таинственная встреча между Ним и нами, чтобы разрушить преграду между Небом и землею, воздвигнутую человеческим грехом. Встреча эта должна происходить в нашей внутренней жизни и во взаимоотношениях с образом Божиим, отражающимся в наших ближних. (more…)