: Priest Ioann (Ian) Bojko reposed in the Lord

fr_ioann_bojkoThe Diocesan Administration wishes to inform all clergy and parishioners that Priest Ioann (Ian) Bojko, the last priest of the Orthodox Church in America still residing in Australia, passed away after a long illness on 25th January 2013. Fr John was rector of the Holy Annunciation Church in Brisbane and it was in his term of office that the parish joined ROCOR and became a parish of the ANZ Diocese.

Fr Ioann was a gentle soul and his passing will be greatly felt by all. (more…)

: Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ celebrated at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield

theo_sobor24A photo-report from the celebration of the Great Feast of the Baptism of our Lord at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield is available below.


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: Orthodox teens enjoy national retreat

teen_retreat_2012More than 50 young people between the ages of 14 and 17 years from all over Australia and also from New Zealand, enthusiastically attended the second Teen Retreat organised at the end of 2012 by the Australian Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR). 

This year’s retreat followed a successful retreat for this age group in 2011 with many of the same young people attending for the second time and encouraging their friends to attend also.  (more…)

: The feast of the Holy Glorious Prophet John was celebrated at All Saints of Russia Parish, Croydon

croydon_ordination2On Sunday, February 20, 2013 the feast of the Holy Glorious Prophet John, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord, the Parish of All Saints of Russia, Croydon was fortunate to celebrate a very special service.

Metropolitan Hilarion led the divine liturgy with priests Frs. Michael Li, Joachim Ross, Christopher Vakhabov; visiting Indonesian priests Frs. Dionysius, Boris, Barnabas, Athanasius; deacons Frs. Christopher Henderson, Constantine Tzortzis, Constantine Moshegov, Stephen McKay and heirodeacon Tykhon. (more…)

: Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ celebrated at Saint Vladimir Church, Centennial Park

theo_centpark05A photo-report from the celebration of the Great Feast of the Baptism of our Lord at Saint Vladimir Church, Centennial Park, is available below.





: Second day of the Nativity of our Lord at the Church of All Russian Saints, Croydon

nativity13_croydon15His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, celebrated the second day of the Nativity of our Lord at the Church of All Russian Saints in Croydon.

Concelebrating with His Eminence were several local clergy as well as clergy from the Indonesian deanery of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese. (more…)

: Некрополь Руквуд и Кладбищенская Реформа


: The 48th Annual Australia-New Zealand Diocesan Russian Youth Conference

Syezd_48_2012_(2)The 48th Annual Youth Conference was held in Brisbane this year from 27th to 31st December 2012. The theme of the Conference was “From the Womb to beyond the Tomb”. The Conference venue was the Rydges Hotel in the Southbank district of Brisbane. This year’s conference attracted attendees from the United Kingdom, Indonesia, Canada, United States, New Zealand and from all capital cities of Australia. 58 young people in total registered together with clergy from our Diocese. The clergy were headed by our own archbishop, His Eminence, Metropolitan Hilarion who attended the whole conference. Many young people living in Brisbane attended the organised functions and the lectures. Altogether there were 87 people who registered for the conference. (more…)

: Nativity of our Lord at Saint Vladimir Church, Centennial Park

nativity13_centpark02The established services for the Great Feast of the Nativity of our Lord were celebrated at Saint Vladimir Church, Centennial Park, by the rector of the church, Priest Daniel Metlenko.

A photo-report is available below.

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: Nativity of our Lord at All Saints Church, Kentlyn

The celebration of the Great Feast of the Nativity of our Lord at All Saints Church, Kentlyn, was blessed with the concelebration of a number of priests from the Indonesian deanery of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese together with the local parish clergy.
