: Заявление Преосвященнейшего Епископа Георгия относительно проведения церковных служб во время эпидемии

: Statement from His Grace Bishop George concerning conducting church life during the pandemic

: Statement from Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad, regarding the spread of coronavirus

Dear in the Lord Fathers, Brothers & Sisters!

With a sense of weighty responsibility not only for the eternal salvation of men’s souls, but also for the physical health of the clergy, monastics, parishioners, and worshippers of the Russian Church Abroad, I have been attentively following the development of events relating to the spread of the coronavirus, prayerfully beseeching for all God’s aid and the intercession of His Most-Pure Mother. (more…)

: Заявление митрополита Восточно-Американского и Нью-Йоркского Илариона, Первоиерарха Русской Зарубежной Церкви, в связи с распространением коронавируса

Дорогие о Господе отцы, братья и сестры!

Чувствуя бремя ответственности не только за вечное спасение душ человеческих, но и за телесное здравие клира, монашествующих, прихожан и богомольцев Русской Зарубежной Церкви, внимательно слежу за развитием событий, связанных с распространением коронавирусной инфекции, молитвенно испрашивая всем благословения Божия и заступничества Его Пречистой Матери. (more…)

: The Rite of Orthodoxy celebrated at Sts Peter and Paul Cathedral Strathfield

The feast of Orthodoxy, also known as the Sunday of Orthodoxy or the Triumph of Orthodoxy is celebrated on the first Sunday of Great Lent. This year this feast fell on Sunday, 8 March 2020.

His Grace Bishop George together with the Cathedral clergy, Archpriest George Lapardin (dean), Priest Michael Storozhev, Protodeacon Alexander Kotlaroff, Protodeacon Martin Naef, cleric of St Panteleimon’s church, Gosford and Deacon Michael Matys, cleric of St George’s church, Carlton celebrated the Divine Liturgy at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral Strathfield. Following the Liturgy, Bishop George performed the “Rite of Orthodoxy” which was intoned by Protodeacon Alexander Kotlaroff. (more…)

: Послание Управляющего епархией о церковном служении, в связи с распространением коронавируса

Послание Управляющего Западно-Европейской епархии, опубликованным на сайте этой епархии, нажав здесь.

: A Message from the Diocesan Bishop Regarding Church Life and the Coronavirus

A message regarding the coronavirus from His Grace Bishop Irenei of London and Western Europe is posted in three languages on his diocese’s official website.

: Резолюция 19-ого Собрания духовенства и мирян Австралийско-Новозеландской Епархии РПЦЗ

: The 19th Triennial Assembly of clergy and laity of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese

: His Grace Bishop George celebrates the Baptism of Our Lord at Sts Peter and Paul Cathedral Strathfield

On Saturday 18th of January 2020 and Sunday 19th January 2020, His Grace Bishop George of Canberra celebrated Vigil and the Divine Liturgy at Sts Peter and Paul Cathedral Strathfield NSW. Following the litugy, His Grace served the rite of the Great Blessing of Waters.

A photo-report from the celebration of the Great Feast is available below.

