: Announcement – Dinner and Movie, 4th July

: Высокопреосвященнейший Митрополит Иларион совершил монашеский постриг и диаконскую хиротонию

Во вторник 8 июня вечером Высокопреосвященнейший Митрополит Иларион, Первоиерарх Русской Зарубежной Церкви, молился за Утреней в Радосте-Скорбященской церкви в г. Джилонге, а затем совершил монашеский постриг инока Петра (Жигалина) и нарек его именем Пантелеимон. На следующее утро за Божественной литургией Его Высокопреосвященство рукоположил монаха Пантелеимона во иеродиаконы. (more…)

: Liturgical Music Seminar at Holy Protection Parish, Cabramatta

At one point it seemed there would not be a 2010 Russian Orthodox Choir Singer’s and Conductor’s Conference, due to its cancellation (in Brisbane).  Fortunately, the wonderfully committed and stoic Andrei Laptev, a considerable musician and veritable asset to the Russian Orthodox Community in Australia, decided to not accept this travesty and asked the community if there was sufficient interest to maintain the venue in another location (Cabramatta, NSW).  We all answered ‘yes’, and Andrei obtained a Blessing to  proceed with a plan which would ultimately result in a truly fantastic event. (more…)

: Third Finding of the Head of St John the Baptist – St John the Baptist Skete, Kentlyn

On Monday the 25th of May/7th of June, the commemoration of the 3rd Finding of the Head of St John the Baptist, His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion visited the congregation of St John the Baptist Skete, Kentlyn which worships in the old monastery Church of All Saints at Our Lady of Kazan Monastery, Kentlyn. (more…)

: Announcement – Saint John the Baptist Skete, Kentlyn

His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion was prevented, because his duties as First Hierarch, from attending the recent patronal festival of the old monastery Church of All Saints at Kentlyn on the Sunday of All Saints.

However, His Eminence has graciously offered to serve Hierarchical Divine Liturgy in All Saints Church on Monday the 7th of June, being the commemoration of the 3rd Finding of the Precious Head of the Holy and Glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord, John. (more…)

: Photoreport – Ordination and tonsure at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral – 18 April 2010

: Объявление – 50-летие церкви Всех Святьх в земле Росcийcкой просиявших

: Announcement – 50th Jubilee of the Church of All Saints of Russia / Archbishop’s Chapel – Croydon

50th Jubilee

The Archbishop’s Chapel –
The Church of All Saints of Russia, Croydon

The Archbishop’s Chapel – the Church of All Saints of Russia in Croydon will be celebrating the 50th Anniversary of its Founding on Sunday June 6, 2010.

His Eminence, Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, will preside over the Divine Liturgy. The meeting of the Metropolitan will take place at 9am. (more…)

: Announcement – Holy Protection Parish, Cabramatta to hold Liturgical Music Seminar, 27-30 May 2010

The parish of the Protection of the Holy Virgin in Cabramatta will hold a Liturgical Music Seminar from Thursday 27th May to Sunday 30th May, 2010.

The objective of this Seminar, supported by the and the Australia and New Zealand Diocesan (ROCOR) Sacred Music Committee, is to bring together singers and conductors and together to explore the wealth and majesty of Russian liturgical music through lectures, hands-on workshops, rehearsals and divine services.

Click here:

: Фомино воскресенье в Окланде

Воскресенский приход города Окланда в Новой Зеландии отмечал свой престольный праздник в Фомино воскресение.  Нам выпала большая честь – наш правящий архиерей, Владыка митрополита Иларион, первоиерарх Русской Зарубежной Церкви, возглавлял праздничные богослужения.

Всенощное бдение мы отслужили в нашем храме, тогда как Божественная Литургия была отслужена в сербской церкви вместе с настоятелем о.Саввой и её сербским приходом. (more…)