: Holy Protection Cathedral, Melbourne, celebrated its Feast Day

pokrov_melb_2013_3On Monday 14th October 2013, the Holy Protection Cathedral in Melbourne celebrated its Parish Feast Day. The All-Night Vigil was served by the clergy of the cathedral, Archpriest Nicholas Karipoff (rector), Archpriest Nicholas Dalinkiewicz, Archpriest Peter Sheko, Hieromonk Kyril and Protodeacon Alexander Abramoff.

The following day, clergy from the neighbouring parishes joined to serve the Divine Liturgy. (more…)

: Announcement – “St. Philaret of Moscow” lecture – 1 December 2013


: Teen Retreat registration now open – Early Bird Discount before November 1st!


: Митрополит Иларион и паломническая группа Австралийско-Новозеландской епархии на Святой Земле


25 сентября 2013 г. – Митрополит Иларион прибыл на Святую Землю – cм. здесь

26 сентября 2013 г. – Фоторепортаж о служении Первоиерарха в греческой Гефсимании – cм. здесь

28 сентября 2013 г. – Митрополит Иларион возглавил богослужения праздника Воздвижения Креста Господня в Спасо-Вознесенской женской обители на Елеоне – cм. здесь

7 октября 2013 г. – Первоиерарх совершил ночную Божественную литургию на Живоносном Гробе Господнем – cм. здесь

9 октября 2013 г. – Служения Первоиерарха в Горненском монастыре, в русской Гефсимании и в Вифлееме – cм. здесь

15 октября 2013 г. – В последний день своего паломничества на Святую Землю митрополит Иларион совершил Божественную литургию в русском Троицком соборе – cм. здесь


: Response to attack on Christians in Pakistan

pakistan1On Sunday (22nd September 2013) a pair of suicide bombers detonated their explosives outside an historic Anglican church in the city of Peshawar. The explosions occurred as the parishioners were leaving the 130 year old church after Sunday morning services. More than 78 people were killed and close to 150 others injured. A detailed account from Reuters is available here.

Members of our Mission community protested immediately at this savage attack on the people of Peshawar. (more…)

: 49th Annual Russian Orthodox Youth Conference / Syezd 2013 to be held in Melbourne, 19-24 December 2013

Click on the picture below to open the website:


: Saint Nicholas Church, Wallsend (Newcastle) has a new website

Click on the picture below to open the website:


: Православный Вестник №102 Свято-Скорбященского прихода, г. Джилонга

: Православный Вестник №50 Николаевского прихода, г. Аделаиды

: Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God Church, Rocklea, celebrated its Feast Day

rocklea2013_31On the Sunday the 8th of September 2013 the Rocklea, Brisbane, Queensland parish of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God celebrated its feast day. This was the first time in memory that all the other Brisbane Russian Orthodox Churches closed on a Sunday to facilitate the brotherly concelebration of the clergy of all the Brisbane churches. There was a male choir made up of choiristers from each of the churches, Fr Michael gave a sermon around the gospel reading for the day and a feast was held afterwards in the church hall and many years were intoned for the rector Fr Michael Klebansky on his upcoming birthday and namesday. (more…)