: Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ – Saints Peter & Paul Cathedral, Strathfield

: Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ – Saint Nicholas Church, Adelaide

: Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ – Church of the Resurrection of Christ, Auckland

: Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ – Saint Nicholas Church, Adelaide

: Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ – Saint John the Baptist Skete, Kentlyn

: Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ – Saints Peter & Paul Cathedral, Strathfield

: Рождественское послание Высокопреосвященнейшего Митрополита Лавра, Первоиерарха Русской Зарубежной Церкви

: Nativity Epistle of Metropolitan Laurus, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad

Eminent Fellow Hierarchs,

Dear Fathers, Brothers, Sisters and Children in the Lord!

With a feeling of great spiritual joy I greet all of you on the world-saving feast of the Birth of Christ, foretold by the prophets, and bringing heavenly joy to all people, for there has been accomplished the “great mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh” (1 Timothy 3:16). I congratulate all of you with this great joy! May the Divine Infant Christ grant all of us this joy. The struggle of faith and its fruits in our days must be that joy which comes from hearing the heavenly doxology and the feast of the Incarnation of God. (more…)

: Престольный праздник в Крайсчерче

Накануне Престольного праздника нашего храма в честь Святителя Николая-Чудотворца, 14-го декабря мы встретили Владыку в аэропорту. Это был его второй визит в Новую Зеландию в этом году. Вечером этого же дня в нашей церкви отслужили Акафист Святителю Николаю. На следующий день, в субботу, был благотворительный обед, организованный сестричеством прихода, а вечером – Всенощное бдение. На протяжении Службы многие прихожане исповедовались Владыке. (more…)

: St Nicholas Church Feast Day, Christchurch

We welcomed our Bishop in the airport on the 14th of December, the day before out Church Celebration in honour of Saint Nicholas. This was his second visit to New Zealand this year. In the evening there was a short service at our church.

On Saturday, the next day after the Bishop’s arrival, the sisterhood organised a charity lunch. In the evening there was the Vespers service, during which most people had confession. (more…)