: Russian Orthodox Podcasts

: Announcement – Church Singing Conference 2010

: Съезда кавалеров Ордена Св. Анны

В пятницу 12 февраля в СВ. Покровском соборе Мельбурна состоялся молебен небесной покровительнице кавалеров Российского Императорского ордена Св. Анны.

История Ордена Св. Анны относится к 18 веку.  Он был учрежден 14 февраля 1735 г.  герцогом Карлом Фридрихом Гольштейн-Готторским в честь его супруги – цесаревны Анныа Петровны, дочери Петра Великого, в день 10-летнего юбилея их свадьбы.  В 1742 г. орден Св. Анны впервые появился в Российской Империи на груди будущего Императора Петра III.  В 1797 г. Император Павел I причислил орден Св. Анны к Российским орденам.  Орденом награждались подданные за верную службу на государственном поприще и за труды на благо общества.  Девиз Ордена: «Любящим правду, благочестие и верность!» (more…)

: URGENT – Offer of Sponsored Participation in 2010 Kursk Orthodox Youth Fellowship

If you are Russian Orthodox, young, vibrant and interested in travelling to Russia, France, Switzerland and Byelorussia in July of this year….. do read on!

Here is an invitation and important information about the Kursk Youth Fellowship (Курское Содружество Православной Молодежи) which was announced at the recent Diocesan Syezd in Melbourne.

Purpose: To create opportunities for Russian Orthodox youth from different countries and dioceses to meet, interact and become lifelong friends.

Dates: From 19th July to 11th August 2010

What you would pay: Return flight to Moscow + visas + travel insurance

What will be included: All land transport within Russia + Flights & coach transport to France, Switzerland & Byelorussia + all meals and accommodation. (more…)

: Baptism of our Lord – Holy Protection Church, Cabramatta – photoreport

: Baptism of our Lord – Saint Panteleimon Church, Gosford – photoreport

: Baptism of our Lord – Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield – photoreport

On the Great Feast of the Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ the Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral in Strathfield was blessed to have His Grace, Bishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada, currently visiting Australia,  serve the Divine Liturgy and the Great Blessing of Waters. (more…)

: Nativity of our Lord – Resurrection Church, Auckland – photoreport

This year for the Great Feast of the Nativity of Christ we prayed in the Samoan Christian Centre, which we hope to purchase soon as our parish centre and new church.

On the eve, Matins was served for families with young children.  The Vigil began at 10 pm and ended with a Midnight Liturgy (there were 80 communicants), the first-ever Midnight service held for Nativity in New Zealand.  Later that morning, a second Liturgy was celebrated (95 communicants, mostly children) with the Сhildren’s Yolka and gifts following. (more…)

: Nativity of our Lord – Saint Vladimir Church, Centennial Park – photoreport

: Nativity of our Lord – Saint John the Baptist Skete, Kentlyn – photoreport

Congregation outside the old monastery Church of All Saints, Kentlyn following the Christmas Day Liturgy:

Breaking the fast together at the Christmas Day family picnic and barbeque at Mt Annan Botanic Gardens: