: Statement from His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York concerning Indonesian clergy

: Invitation to Come and Experience Orthodox Indonesia


Click here to view the proposed itinerary

: Invitation For Young Adults to Join a Goodwill Visit to the Indonesian Orthodox Church

Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
Diocese of Sydney, Australia and New Zealand

 With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion

Goodwill Youth Visit
to the Indonesian Orthodox Church

 30th of June – 9th of July, 2012


An invitation is extended to young adults (18 – 30) to join a Goodwill Visit to the Indonesian Orthodox Church, (Gereja Orthodox Indonesia), the Indonesian Deanery of our diocese. The trip will include 2 nights in Jakarta, 2 nights in Solo and four nights in Bali. (more…)

: Friends of Indonesia – Australia: Volcano Update

A report from Indonesia on the distribution of aid donated by parishes, clergy and parishioners of the Sydney, Australia and New Zealand Diocese for the victims of the 2010 Mt Merapi volcano eruption.

The active volcano Mount Merapi on the Indonesian island of Java erupted on the 25th of October, 2010. It spewed hot gases and ash as far as 5,000 meters into the atmosphere, wreaking havoc on surrounding villages and farms, and disrupting air travel. Many hundreds of people were killed, and at least 350,000 fled their homes, and many of these cannot yet return because of the danger of further eruptions. (more…)

: Friends of Indonesia – Australia

Friends of Indonesia – Australia

: Request to the Russian Orthodox Church for a Theological Institution in Indonesia

Jakarta, Indonesia – Metropolitan Hilarion (Kapral) of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) Archbishop of Australia and New Zealand arrived in Indonesia today and served a liturgy in Jakarta were he ordained 2 Indonesians deacons to the Priesthood. During the course of his visit to Indonesia His Eminence will ordain 4 priests and 1 deacon. In the ROCOR mission of Indonesia there are already over 2500 Indonesian Orthodox parishioners. The Dean of the Indonesian Orthodox mission Archimandrite Daniel Byantoro held a press-conference with www.pravoslavie.ru to describe the difficult situation in the rapidly expanding Orthodox mission in Indonesia. (more…)

: Delegation visits Indonesia – 6-11 December 2007

From the 6th to 11th December 2007 His Grace Archbishop Hilarion of Sydney, Australia and New Zealand and His Grace Bishop Mark of Egorevsk headed a joint delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church (Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and the Moscow Patriarchate) to Indonesia to visit our missions there. (more…)

: Заявление Высокопреосвященнейшего митрополита Илариона в отношении текущих событий относительно архимандрита Алексия (Розентула) / Statement by His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion regarding the current events of Archimandrite Alexis (Rosentool)

: Australian and New Zealand 7th Annual Russian Orthodox Teen Retreat

Forty five teenagers aged 13-17 travelled from all over Australia to attend the 7th Annual Russian Orthodox Teen Retreat held this year from December 17-22 at Stanwell Tops Conference Centre.

Hosted this year by the Sydney Parishes, the retreat was also attended by local and visiting clergy, guest speakers and supervisors. (more…)

: Protodeacon Christopher Henderson reposed in the Lord

fr_christopher_8On 16 August 2016 Protodeacon Christopher Henderson reposed to the Lord.

Please find below Father Christopher’s biography and information regarding his funeral details.

Christopher Henderson was born in Carlton, NSW, on 20 November 1942.  After secondary studies at Canterbury Boys’ High School he studied Optometry at the University of New South Wales, graduating in 1965 and establishing a practice in Liverpool, NSW.  In 1965, he also married Julie Ann Piddington.  (more…)