Filed under 1 Diocesan News, 3 Articles & Sermons, Русский
Tags: Fr Nicholas Karipoff, Symposium
Патриарх Тихон был избран Богом,1 чтобы восстановить сильное руководство Русской Церковью, без сомнения в труднейший период всей истории её существования. Церковь была поставлена перед лицом феномена революции – попыткой перестройки человеческого общества без Бога. Врата ада не одолели. Столетием позже, не только Россия, но и весь мир снова стоит перед вызовом революции – нравственной революции. Я чувствую, что Русская Церковь, к которой мы принадлежим, имеет уникальную возможность (если она воспримет эту миссию) поделиться опытом, как поступать с этим вызовом. (more…)
Filed under 1 Diocesan News, 3 Articles & Sermons, English
Tags: Fr Nicholas Karipoff, Symposium
Patriarch Tikhon was chosen by God 1to restore strong leadership to the Russian Church at what was, without doubt, the most difficult moment in its entire history up to that point. The Church faced the phenomenon of revolution as an attempt to rebuild human society without God. The gates of Hades did not prevail. A century later, not just Russia, the whole world is facing the challenge of revolution reinvented as moral revolution. I feel that the Church of Russia, to which we belong, has a unique opportunity to bring to the table its historical experience of dealing with the challenges of revolution, should it accept this mission. (more…)
Filed under 3 Articles & Sermons, English, Photos / Фото
Tags: Fr Nicholas Karipoff
Let me begin with a confession to you. I like science and technology. In fact, some of my earliest memories are of electronic sounds and the smell of hot solder flux, shelves of my father’s books on radio technology, chemistry, metallurgy, electro mechanics and other technical subjects. I used to read them diligently: TV didn’t exist.
In 1972 I studied history and philosophy of science for a year. I have retained an interest in science and technology to this day. Simultaneously, since becoming an adult, I have become aware of the dangers of the abuse of science and technology. Whatever gives power (even religion), can always corrupt. For example, the Italian Inquisition forced Galileo to recant his Copernican views that the Earth revolved around the Sun. (more…)