: Summary of His Grace Archbishop Hilarion’s Address to the 15th Diocesan Conference

Summary of Archbishop Hilarion’s Address
to the Diocesan Conference 24 November 2007

Greetings to all assembled here today.

First of all, we give thanks to God for all His blessings to our diocese during last 3 years. Freedom of worship, which is lacking in many countries even today. In Russia until recent years Orthodox Christians endured unprecedented persecution for the Faith.

During last 3 years there were many joyous events, but also quite a lot of uneasiness and turmoil in connection with the dialogue of our Church with the Moscow Patriarchate. (more…)

: Доклад Преосвященного Архиепископа Илариона на 15-м Епархиальном Съезде

Сиднейского и Австралийско-Новозеландского
на 15-м Епархиальном Съезде

24 ноября 2007 г.

Всечестные отцы, настоятели, пастыри, диаконы, матушки игумении, братия и сестры делегаты Епархиального съезда!

Начиная наши занятия на этом 15-м Епархиальном съезде Австралийско-Новозеландской епархии, приносим в первую очередь благодарность Господу Богу за Его бесчисленные милости нашей епархии, клиру и пасомым за время последних трёх лет. (more…)

: A Homily on Fasting and Dispassion

Spoken at the beginning of the Great Fast by St Theodore the Studite

Brethren and fathers, the season of Lent, when compared to the whole year, may be likened to a storm-free harbour, in which all who are sailing together enjoy a spiritual calm. For the present season is one of salvation not for monks and nuns only, but also for lay people, for great and small, for rulers and ruled, for emperors and priests, for every race and for every age. (more…)