: Appeal by His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion for Flood Victims

: Statement from the Premier of NSW – Moscow Terrorist Attack

: Nativity Epistle of the First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad

Nativity Epistle of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion
of Eastern America and New York,
First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
To the archpastors and brethren, the most honorable fathers, & all the Orthodox children of the Russian Diaspora, beloved in the Lord!

Seeing man perishing, whom He had created
with His own hands, the Creator, bowing
down the heavens, descendeth, and taketh on
the whole of human nature through the pure
Virgin, becoming truly incarnate, in that He
is all-glorious”

(Canon I of Christmas Matins, Ode I,
troparion 2, composed by St. Cosmas of Maiuma)

To the archpastors and brethren, the most honorable fathers,
& all the Orthodox children of the Russian Diaspora,
beloved in the Lord!

With these words of the Nativity Canon, so great in their profundity, we glorify Christ the Savior Who has now been born of the Virgin. Profound and substantial are the divine services in honor of this great feast, the Nativity of Christ. The words of its hymns and prayers are imbued with the glad tidings of the redemption of the human race, of the incomprehensible and glorious event of the divine Incarnation, which is revealed as the Savior’s great loving-kindness toward us sinners!

Christ is now born of the Virgin, so that, having taken upon Himself human nature, He might bring an end to the cruel power of the tormenter of souls, the devil; for only a God Who had become man could deliver us from it. The Master of creation, Whom the angels and the whole world He created obey, lies humbly, wrapped in swaddling clothes, and forgives our offenses, calling us all to a life renewed! (more…)

: The 16th Conference of Clergy and Laity of the Diocese of Australia and New Zealand

The 16th Conference of Clergy and Laity of the Diocese of Australia and New Zealand was held at SS Peter and Paul Cathedral in Strathfield, Australia on the 26th-27th of December.

His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Australia and New Zealand spoke to the Editor of the Unification newspaper on the events planned for the conference:

“This diocesan conference is held every three years. It is a very important part of diocesan life. The participants in these conferences gather from various parts of Australia and New Zealand and get the opportunity to socialize as well as discuss ongoing matters. Such meetings unify the clergymen and laity of our diocese. The conferences include reports on recent events in the diocese since the previous conference, and more important questions which affect the entire diocese are discussed and resolved. A new Diocesan Council is elected at these conferences, consisting of five priests and five laypersons. The members of the Council become the closest advisors of the diocesan ruling bishop. Between conferences, the Council convenes every two or three months and makes decisions on important administrative and managerial matters.” (more…)

: XVI съезд клира и мирян Австралийско-Новозеландской епархии

26-27 декабря в Сиднее при Петропавловском соборе в Стратфилде прошел очередной 16 съезд Австралийско-Новозеландской Епархии.

Его Высокопреосвященство митрополит Иларион, архиепископ Сиднейский и Австралийско-Новозеландский рассказал редактору газеты «Единение» о планируемых мероприятиях на съезде.

– Епархиальный съезд проходит раз в три года. Это очень важное событие в жизни Епархии. Участники съезда собираются из разных концов Австралии и Новой Зеландии и имеют возможность общаться и обсуждать все насущные вопросы. Такие встречи еще больше сплачивают священнослужителей и мирян нашей епархии. На съезде делается отчет о событиях в Епархии за прошедшие с прошлого съезда годы, рассматриваются и решаются наиболее важные вопросы, затрагивающие всю епархию. На съезде будет избран новый состав Епархиального совета. В совет избираются пятеро священников и пятеро мирян. Члены совета являются ближайшими советниками правящего архиепископа Епархии. В период между съездами Совет собирается каждые два-три месяца и решает важные административные и хозяйственные вопросы. (more…)

: 16th Diocesan Assembly – Circular Letter

Circular Letter regarding the 16th Diocesan Assembly

in English: по-русски:

: Announcement From the Chancery of the Primate of the Russian Church Abroad on the Commemoration of Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) of Blessed Memory

Dear Brother Archpastors, Honorable Fathers, Dear in the Lord Brothers and Sisters:

November 21, the feast day of the Synaxis of Archangel Michael and the Other Bodiless Powers, marks the 25th anniversary of the repose of Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky) of blessed memory, the third Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, one of my predecessors on the Cathedra of the Eastern American Diocese, who consecrated my unworthiness to the episcopate in 1984. On this day, I will celebrate Divine Liturgy in Archangel Michael Church in Paterson, NJ, after which a memorial trapeza will be held in the parish hall, where a lecture on the biography of the esteemed Vladyka Philaret will be read with a presentation of rare photographs. That same day His Grace Bishop Jerome of Manhattan, Vicar of the Eastern American Diocese, will perform a memorial service at his crypt in Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY. (more…)

: Сообщение из канцелярии Первоиерарха Русской Зарубежной Церкви о молитвенном поминовении приснопамятного митрополита Филарета (Вознесенского)

Преосвященные собратья-архипастыри, всечестные отцы, дорогие о Господе братья и сестры!

21 ноября, в праздник собора Архистратига Божия Михаила и прочих Небесных Сил бесплотных, исполняется 25 лет со времени кончины приснопамятного митрополита Филарета (Вознесенского), третьего по счету Первоиерарха Русской Зарубежной Церкви, одного из моих предшественников по Восточно-Американской кафедре, хиротонисавшего мое недостоинство во епископы в 1984 г. В этот день мною будет совершена Божественная литургия в Архангело-Михайловской церкви в Патерсоне (Нью-Джерси), после которой будет предложена общая поминальная трапеза в большом приходском зале, где будет прочитан доклад о жизненном пути приснопамятного владыки Филарета с презентацией редких снимков, а в Свято-Троицком монастыре в Джорданвилле, у места его погребения, богослужения в тот же день возглавит епископ Манхеттенский Иероним, викарий Восточно-Американской епархии. (more…)

: Communique of the First Episcopal Assembly of all canonical Orthodox Bishops of Oceania

Communique of the First Episcopal Assembly of all canonical Orthodox Bishops of Oceania

The members of the First Episcopal Assembly of all canonical Orthodox Bishops of Oceania welcomed the opportunity to meet in Sydney from 16-18 October, 2010 under the chairmanship ex officio of His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos of Australia.

The Assembly commenced with a Divine Liturgy manifesting our essential Eucharistic unity at the Cathedral of the Annunciation of the Theotokos, Redfern, Sydney.

In accordance with the decisions of the pre-conciliar Pan-Orthodox Conference convened in Chambésy, Switzerland from 6 – 13 June, 2009, the canonical Orthodox Bishops met in a brotherly spirit, and after lengthy and edifying discussion centred on issues of mutual concern, such as pastoral care, catechesis, liturgical life, reaffirmed the unity of all canonical Orthodox Churches. (more…)