: Australian and New Zealand Diocesan Council Meeting March 2016

diocesan_council_032016On Thursday 3 March 2016, His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion hosted meetings at his residence in Croydon, NSW, of the Spiritual Council, the Board of the Russian Orthodox Church (NSW) Property Trust, and the Diocesan Council.  (more…)

: Епископ Георгий Совершил Вечерню с Чином Прощения

forgivness_sunday_2016_4Вечером 13 марта 2016 года, в неделю сыропустную, Его Преосвяшенство Преосвященнейший Епископ Георгий совершил вечерню с чином прощения в петропавловском кафедральном соборе Стратфилд. Ему сослужило соборное духовенство. (more…)

: His Grace Bishop George participates in Patriarchal Divine Liturgy

st_luke_soc_liverpool_032016_9On Saturday 12 March 2016, His Holiness Patriarch Irinej of the Serbian Orthodox Church presided over the Divine Liturgy at St Luke the Apostle Serbian Orthodox Church Liverpool NSW. Co-celebrating with His Holiness were His Eminence Amphilochius, Archbishop of Cetinje and Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral, His Grace Irenej, Bishop of Australia and New Zealand, Serbian Orthodox Church, His Grace Bishop George of Canberra, Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and clergy from the Serbian and Russian Orthodox Churches. (more…)

: His Grace Bishop George Meets the Serbian Patriarch Irinej

patr_irinej_2016_12On the evening of Thursday 10 March 2016, His Grace Bishop George of Canberra and Protodeacon Alexander Kotlaroff participated in the reception of His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej hosted by the Consulate General of the Republic of Serbia, Sydney. (more…)

: Митрополит Иларион возглавит паломничество по святым местам России

С 20 июля по 6 августа c.г. состоится паломничество по святым местам России. Паломническую группу возглавит Высокопреосвященнейший митрополит Восточно-Американский и Нью-Йоркский Иларион, Первоиерарх Русской Зарубежной Церкви.

Маршрут паломничества включает посещение святынь в следующих местах: Москва, Казань, Пермь, Барнаул, Бийск, Горно-Алтайск. Стоимость паломнической поездки – 2550 долларов США (не включая стоимости перелета в Москву и обратно домой из Москвы).

За дополнительной информации относительно паломничества обращайтесь к Галине Константиновне Сологуб.

Тел.: +7 (910) 402-3511
Эл. почта: g.k.sologub (at) gmail.com
Skype: Galina K. Sologub

: 51st annual Orthodox Youth Conference – Syezd 2015

syezd1With the blessing of His Grace Bishop George, the 51st annual Orthodox Youth Conference – Syezd 2015 – was successfully held from 26-31 December 2015, at Camp Manyung, Mt Eliza, south-east of Melbourne, Victoria. As in previous years, Syezd 2015 provided attendees with the opportunity to learn more about their Orthodox faith as well as meeting many other Orthodox youth from all over Australia and overseas. (more…)

: His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion and His Grace Bishop George Celebrate Theophany at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield – photoreport

: Пастырское Cовещание Декабрь 2015 г.

consecration_hpc_melbourne_stxenia_altar_(28)Уже много лет в течение Великого поста духовенство Австралийско-Новозеландской епархии собирается для обсуждения дел пастырского и литургического значения. Последние годы стало обычаем проведение таких встреч также в связи с ежегодными молодежными мероприятиями в декабре.

В декабре 2015 г. духовенство всех четырех благочиний собралось в двух местах. Первое собрание состоялось на месте Епархиального лагеря юной молодежи (Luther Heights Camp, Coolum Beach, в штате Квинсленд); второе – на месте Епархиального Съезда старшей молодежи (Camp Manyung, Mount Eliza, в штате Виктория). (more…)

: Pastoral Conferences December 2015 ‏

pastoral_conferenceFor many years it has been customary for the clergy of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese to gather together during Great Lent to discuss matters of pastoral concern and liturgical practice.  In recent years, it has become usual for such gatherings to be held in conjunction with the annual Diocesan youth activities during December.

In December 2015, clergy from all four deaneries convened in two locations.  The first gathering was at the Luther Heights Camp at Coolum Beach, Queensland, the site of the Diocesan Teen Retreat.  The second was at Camp Manyung in Mount Eliza, Victoria, the site of the over-18s Diocesan Youth Conference. (more…)

: His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion and His Grace Bishop George Celebrate the Nativity of our Lord at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield – photoreport