: Встреча c Сестрой Марфой (Валль), директор православной школы для девочек, в Вифании в Петропавловском соборе, Стратфилд

Встреча с человеком необычной, редкой судьбы, приехавшей к нам из Святой Земли, состоялась в воскресенье 30 июля в зале при Петропавловском соборе в Стратфилде. Сестра Марфа (Валль), родившаяся в немецкой семье, выросшая в Германии, оказалась на Святой Земле в Гефсиманском монастыре и была назначена директором православной школы для девочек, расположенной в Вифании. Православная школа, в которой занимаются около 400 арабских девочек, была создана около 80 лет назад. Читайте статью здесь

: ‘Патриарх Тихон, Революция и Столетее Позже’ – доклад прочитан прот. Николаем Карыповым на Симпозиум, посвященный столетию Русской Революции 1917 г. Сидней 14-17 июля 2017 г.

Патриарх Тихон был избран Богом,1 чтобы восстановить сильное руководство Русской Церковью, без сомнения в труднейший период всей истории её существования. Церковь была поставлена перед лицом феномена революции – попыткой перестройки человеческого общества без Бога. Врата ада не одолели. Столетием позже, не только Россия, но и весь мир снова стоит перед вызовом революции – нравственной революции. Я чувствую, что Русская Церковь, к которой мы принадлежим, имеет уникальную возможность (если она воспримет эту миссию) поделиться опытом, как поступать с этим вызовом. (more…)

: ‘Patriarch Tikhon, Revolution and a Century Later’ – Lecture presented by Archpriest Nicholas Karipoff at Symposium, Sydney, 14-17 July 2017

Patriarch Tikhon was chosen by God 1to restore strong leadership to the Russian Church at what was, without doubt, the most difficult moment in its entire history up to that point. The Church faced the phenomenon of revolution as an attempt to rebuild human society without God. The gates of Hades did not prevail. A century later, not just Russia, the whole world is facing the challenge of revolution reinvented as moral revolution. I feel that the Church of Russia, to which we belong, has a unique opportunity to bring to the table its historical experience of dealing with the challenges of revolution, should it accept this mission. (more…)

: Metropolitan Jonah (Paffhausen) attends the Symposium at the Australian & New Zealand Diocese

With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, Archbishop of Australia and New Zealand, His Eminence Metropolitan Jonah (Paffhausen) arrived in Sydney from Washington on Friday 14 July 2017. His Eminence was invited as the guest speaker to participate in the Sydney Symposium dedicated to the New Martyrs of Russia. (more…)

: Sydney Symposium Syezd 2017 Commences

On Friday 14 July 2017 at 5pm AEST the clergy and the youth of the Australian & New Zealand Diocese gathered at Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield for the Symposium Syezd, in commemoration of the New Martyrs of Russia 100-years later. (more…)

: His Grace George Bishop of Canberra Celebrates the Feast Day of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul at the Cathedral in Strathfield

On Tuesday the 11th and Wednesday 12th July 2017, the feast day of Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, divine services were held in the Diocesan Cathedral, Strathfield in honour of the parish’s feast day. The All-Night Vigil was led by His Grace Bishop George of Canberra joined by the Cathedral clergy and clergy from the neighbouring parishes. (more…)

: His Grace Bishop George Celebrates the feast of St John the Baptist in Canberra

On Saturday, 8 July 2017 and Sunday 9 July 2017, His Grace Bishop George of Canberra celebrated the feast of St John the Baptist at St. John the Baptist Cathedral Canberra. Co-celebrating with His Grace were the dean of the Cathedral, Archpriest Alexander Morozow, Abbot Serge from Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Bombala, Priest Seraphim Slade from St John of Shanghai Indigenous Australian Mission Gunning, Protodeacon Alexander Kotlaroff and Deacon Michael Storozhev from Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield. (more…)

: Metropolitan Jonah (Paffhausen) will deliver Dogmatic and Theological Lectures at Sts Peter and Paul Cathedral Strathfield

: Bishop George of Canberra visits Eastern American Diocese

After the ROCOR Council of Bishops completed its work in Munich, His Grace George, Bishop of Canberra (vicar of the Diocese of Australia & New Zealand) paid an archpastoral visit to the Eastern American Diocese. For more information click here.

: His Grace Bishop George Celebrates the feast of All Saints of Russia at the Synodal Cathedral of the Sign in New York City

As posted on the Eastern American Diocese website, on the feast day of All Saints of Russia, His Grace Bishop George together with His Grace Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan, celebrated the divine services in the Synodal Cathedral of the Sign in New York City. For more information please click here.