: Divine Liturgy with the Holy Kursk-Root Icon at the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield

The weekend of 26-27 November 2011 was the last time the Holy Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God was present for a service in Australia for 2011.

On Saturday 26th the Holy Icon was brought for the All-Night Vigil at the Diocesan Cathedral of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Strathfield. The following day, Sunday 27th November, the icon was again present in the Cathedral for the the Divine Liturgy. (more…)

: Russian Orthodox life in the Hornsby region, NSW

In recent years, a great many young Russian families have settled in the Hornsby Shire on Sydney’s northern fringe.  Forging strongs friendships amongst themselves, these families have also gravitated towards the parish of Saint Panteleimon in Gosford, becoming active there in parish life.

The young parents there have for some time considered the possibility of a Russian language school in the Hornsby region.  Their hopes became reality when, with the blessing of Metropolitan Hilarion, the Saint Seraphim Russian Community School commenced lessons at Mount Colah Public School on Sunday 13 November 2011.  Prior to classes beginning, Hornsby mayor Nick Berman cut the ribbon with representatives from both Russian (“Edinenie”) and English (“Bush Telegraph”) newspapers in attendance. (more…)

: Holy Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God visits the Saint Nicholas Cathedral, Brisbane and the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God Church, Rocklea

Over 25-26 November the Holy Wonderworking Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God was taken by plane to Brisbane by its guardian Deacon Nicholas Olhovsky. There the Icon visited the Saint Nicholas Cathedral in Kangaroo Point and the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God Church in Rocklea. (more…)

: Holy Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God visits Holy Protection Church, Cabramatta

On Wednesday 23 November the Holy Wonder-working Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God was brought to the Holy Protection Church in Cabramatta by its guardian Deacon Nicholas Olhovsky.  The Akathist to the Mother of God was then celebrated by the parish rector Archpriest Boris Ignatievsky, parish and visiting clergy. (more…)

: Православный вестник №89 Свято-Скорбященского прихода

Читайте Православный вестник Свято-Скорбященского прихода:

: Курская-Коренная чудотворная икона Божией Матери “Знамение” посетила Свято-Троицкий храм в Мельбурне

8 ноября Свято-Троицкий храм Московского Патриархата в Мельбурне посетила главная святыня Русской Зарубежной Церкви – Курская-Коренная чудотворная икона Божией Матери “Знамение” (more…)

: Parish Feast Day and Divine Liturgy with the Holy Kursk-Root Icon at the Joy of All Who Sorrow Church, Geelong, 6 November

On 6 November 2011 the Joy of All Who Sorrow Church in Geelong marked its Parish Feast with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy by His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion in the presence of the Holy Wonderworking Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God. (more…)

: Holy Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God visits Saint Patrick Mission, Morphettville

On the evening of Thursday 10 November 2011, the Mission welcomed the wonderworking Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God.

It was an incredible privilege to pray before one of the most revered and historically important icons of Russia, and to feel so powerfully the grace of God and the assurance that the Theotokos was indeed praying for and with us.

The service comprised both a short Molebin (prayer service) and the Akathist appointed for the Kursk-Root Icon of the Theotokos.

It was truly a ‘Pan Orthodox’ event, both in the make up of the large congregation (over 150 people personally venerated the Icon), and by having clergy from four jurisdictions serve: Archimandrite Silouan Fotineas and Fr Konstantinos Skoumbourdis (Greek); Fr Nicolas Haddad (Antiochian); Fr Ambrose Jackson (Serbian); and Archpriest Vladimir Deduhin, Fr Deacon Nicholas Olhovsky (custodian of the Icon during its Australian tour), and Fr Peter Hill, Rector of St Patrick Mission (Russian). Other clergy were present in the congregation during the service. (more…)

: Announcement – Holy Kursk-Root Icon Service Times in Brisbane, 25 and 26 November 2011

The Brisbane Clergy will be concelebrating an All Night-Vigil with Akathist, 6pm Friday 25th November at St. Nicholas Cathedral, 344 Vulture Street, Kangaroo Point.  Divine Liturgy will be 8:30am Saturday 26th November at Our Lady of Vladimir Church, 14A Douglas Street, Rocklea.

(Please note: this announcement supercedes the previously released monthly schedule)

: Расписание богослужений с Курской-Коренной чудотворной иконой Божией Матери в Новой Зеландии

С 29-го ноября по 7-ое декабря Курская-Коренная чудотворная икона Божией Матери посетит Окланд, Веллингтон и Крайстчерч.  О Курской иконе можно почитать здесь. (more…)