5 May 12: В Мельбурне прошло собрание православного духовенства
30 апреля 2012 года в Мельбурне состоялась общеправославная встреча духовенства Мельбурна и штата Виктория.
В собрании приняли участие Первоиерарх Русской Православной Церкви Заграницей митрополит Восточно-Американский и Нью-Йоркский Иларион, епископ Дервийский Иезекииль (Константинопольский Патриархат), епископ Австралийский и Новозеландский Ириней (Сербская Православная Церковь), епископ Австралийско-Новозеландский Михаил (Румынская Православная Церковь), а также гости: епископ Мелитопольский Иаков (Константинопольский Патриархат) и епископ Новой Грачаницы, Средней и Западной Америки Лонгин (Сербская Православная Церковь). (more…)
5 May 12: Fundraising Dinner – The Confines of Science: The Cosmos of Faith
The next fundraiser to benefit the construction fund at the Presentation Sisterhood will be held in the Cabramatta Church Hall on Sunday 27 May 12 starting at 6pm. Abbess Anna will be present and Fr Nicholas Karipoff will give a talk on “The Confines of Science: The Cosmos of Faith’. Afterwards an auction and raffle will generate the profits and I will have lots of spot prizes to keep the crowd entertained. Entry is $25 per head and dinner will be an all Italian Buffet. I will also use this function to launch another major initiative. (more…)
3 May 12: Пасхальный утренник в Веллингтоне
Прилогаем фоторепортажъ о пасхальном утреннике в Веллингтоне, Новая Зеландия. (more…)
11 Apr 12: “Path to Pascha” – a free eBook gift for you
Russian Orthodox Podcast ran a special edition of their podcast for Great Lent this year – Path to Pascha.
As part of this special edition podcast, an eBook was also written to complement the podcast, which has now finally been completed and is available to download in two formats, pdf or iBook for the iPad. (more…)
18 Mar 12: Diocesan Pastoral Conference 2012
The Pastoral Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese was held on the 13th and 14th of March 2012.
On Tuesday March 13th the cleargy of the diocese assembled at the Church of All Russian Saints, Croydon, for Matins and Confession. On Wednesday morning the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts was served at the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul in Strathfield.
Following the Divine Liturgy there was lunch in the parish hall followed by the Pastoral Conference under the presidency of His Eminence, Metropolitan Hilarion.
Please see below for a photo report of the event. (more…)
20 Feb 12: Fundraiser at All Saints of Russia Church, Croydon
The Church of All Proclaimed Saints of Russia in Croydon, Sydney, chose the Sunday of the Prodigal Son, and the Feast of the Three Hierarchs to hold it’s annual ‘shashlik’ (kebab) fundraiser.
Perhaps the timing was not the best because it turned out that the event clashed with a few other orthodox luncheons and so Sydney’s Russian Orthodox Churchgoers were torn between various events.
Thought the turnout was small compared to previous years, the event was a success. The meat used was premium lamb and the accompaniments and beverages on offer were also of high standard. People willingly supported the event with generous donations and the small parish was grateful for the financial assistance. (more…)
10 Feb 12: Крещения Господня в Тасмании
В четверг 19го января, в великий и двунадесятый праздник Крещения Господня, иерей Георгий Морозов совершил Божественную литургию и Великое освящение воды при протодиаконе Александре Котляровым. (more…)
3 Feb 12: Relics of Saint Innokenty of Irkutsk to visit Australian & New Zealand Diocese – 5 to 19 February 2012
The Holy and Wonderworking Relics of Saint Innokenty, first bishop of Irkutsk,
will visit the Diocese of Australia and New Zealand from
5 to 19 February 2012.