: Отпевание и погребение князя Михаила Андреевича Романова (фоторепортаж) / Funeral and Burial of Michael Andreevich Romanov, Prince of Russia (photoreport)

: Утренник Школы Св. Александра Невскаго при Кафедральном Соборе, Стратфильд, 13-го Сент. 2008 г / St Alexander Nevsky School Concert at Sts. Peter & Paul Cathedral, Strathfield 13 Sept. 2008

: 1918-2008: 90th anniversary of the death of the Royal Martyrs – Strathfield photoreport / фоторепортаж

: Фоторепортаж на интернет-сайте Архиерейского Синода / Photoreports on the Synod of Bishops internet site

Фоторепортаж на интернет-сайте Архиерейского Синода
Photoreports on the Synod of Bishops internet site

: Saints Peter and Paul Feast Day – Strathfield photoreport / фоторепортаж

: Мультимедиа и Фоторепортаж на интернет-сайте Архиерейского Синода / Multimedia and Photoreports on the Synod of Bishops internet site

Мультимедиа и Фоторепортаж на интернет-сайте Архиерейского Синода
Multimedia and Photoreports on the Synod of Bishops internet site

: 5th Diocesan Choral Conference – Sunday 6 July photoreport / фоторепортаж

Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral

Arrival of the Holy Relics of the Royal Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth and the Nun Barbara:


: His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion arrives in Sydney – Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral photoreport / фоторепортаж

: Axios! Metropolitan Hilarion returns to Australia Thursday 3 July

Axios! Axios! Axios!

His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion is returning to Australia arriving in Sydney on Thursday 3rd July at 7.25am on Flight QF108.

This is the first opportunity to welcome our Vladika since his election as Metropolitan. For those who cannot make it to the airport at 7.30 am there will be a Thanksgiving Molieben with Vladika at Saints Peter & Paul Cathedral, Strathfield later that same morning 10.30am.

All welcome.

: 1918-2008: 90th anniversary of the death of the Royal Martyrs – Vigil and Midnight Liturgy

The Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia
Diocese of Sydney, Australia and New Zealand

With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion


The clergy of the ROCOR Sydney Deanery invite all Orthodox
Christians to the 90th anniversary commemoration of the deaths of
Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II, his family and loyal servants

10.00pm Wednesday 16th of July (more…)