: Myrrh-Streaming Icon of the Mother of God, “Softening of Evil Hearts” at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral (8 Dec 09) – photoreport

: Protodeacon Boris honoured on the occasion of his 40th anniversary of serving the Church – photoreport

: Ключарь Петропавловского кафедрального собора провел беседу с православной молодежью

В воскресенье 8 ноября протоиерей Георгий Лапардин, ключарь Петропавловского кафедрального собора в Сиднее, провел беседу с русской православной молодежью этого города на тему: “Заповеди Блаженства”. По окончании дискуссии по теме была предложена трапеза, за которой продолжилось общение духовенства с молодежью в неформальной обстановке. (more…)

: Announcement – Talk at the Cathedral – Sunday 8th November 2009


Topic: The Beatitudes Explained

Speaker: Fr George Lapardin

Location: Sts Peter & Paul Cathedral, Strathfield

Time: 4pm

Date: Sunday 8th November 2009

Food and drinks after the talk.

: Announcement – Talk on the Spiritual Significance of the Paschal Period – 4th August 2009

Topic: The Spiritual Significance of the Paschal Period
(A continuation of the talk Fr. Alexis gave during Great Lent on the different aspects of Great Lent)

Speaker: Archimandrite Alexis, Abbott of Holy Transfiguration Monastery (more…)

: His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion serves the Divine Liturgy at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral on the feast day of Saints Peter and Paul

: All Night-Vigil for Saints Peter and Paul at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral

: Молебен святителю Иоанну Шанхайскому и Сан-Францисскому поет детский хор – фоторепортаж

: День молодежи Русской Зарубежной Церкви в Австралии – фоторепортаж

: Russian Orthodox Church Youth Day – Sunday of All Saints – 14 June 2009

By decree of The Council of Bishops,
Sunday of All Saints has been designated the
Day of Youth
of The Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.

To celebrate this day, Metropolitan Hilarion
invites all Russian Orthodox Youth to a luncheon hosted by
St Peter and Paul Cathedral in Strathfield
at the Church hall on
Sunday 14 June 2009 at 12 pm.

There will be a BBQ lunch

Fee: no cost

Meet new friends
Catch up with old friends
Last day for meat before lent begins (more…)