: Holy Saturday at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield – preview

A detailed photoreport will be forthcoming soon.

(Click the photo for a larger version.)

: Holy Friday Matins at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield – 2 April 2010, photoreport

: Holy Friday Vespers at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield – 2 April 2010, photoreport

: Twelve Passion Gospels at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield – 1 April 2010, photoreport

: Palm Sunday, All-Night Vigil at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield – 27 March 2010, photoreport

: Service of Holy Unction at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield – 25 March 2010, photoreport

: Божественная литургия в Петропавловском кафедральном соборе в неделю Преп. Марии Египетской

В воскресенье 21 марта, в неделю Преп. Марии Египетской, Первоиерарх Русской Зарубежной Церкви, Высокопреосвященнейший Митрополит Иларион, возглавил Божественную литургию  в Петропавловском кафедральном соборе, в городе Сиднее.

Первоиерарху сослужили соборное духовенство. На малом входе, согласно постановлению Архиерейского Синода РПЦЗ, митр. Иларион наградил протоиерея Георгия Лапардина правом ношения креста с украшениями, за долголетнее преданное служение Церкви Христовой. (more…)

: His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion returns to the Australian and New Zealand Diocese

His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, Archbishop of Sydney, Australia and New Zealand

His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion has returned to the Australian and New Zealand diocese from the United States and will be with us for about one month, including the Pascha of our Lord.

This Sunday, 21st of March, His Eminence will serve the Divine Liturgy at the Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral in Strathfield.

Vladika will return to the United States on the 19th of April 2010.

: Baptism of our Lord – Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield – photoreport

On the Great Feast of the Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ the Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral in Strathfield was blessed to have His Grace, Bishop Gabriel of Montreal and Canada, currently visiting Australia,  serve the Divine Liturgy and the Great Blessing of Waters. (more…)

: Nativity of our Lord – Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield – photoreport