: First Hierarch of ROCOR visits Mumbai, India

mh_india01On 10th of January 2013 His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion arrived in Mumbai, India where he spent a number of days visiting the Indian Orthodox Mission.

The former Metropolitan of the Anglican Church in India, John Augustine hosted a welcome dinner later that evening to mark the historic event of the first ROCOR Metropolitan to visit the Indian sub continent.

The Divine Liturgy was served at the residence of a Serbian orthodox faithful as there is currently no church building available. During the service, Silouan Sunil Benedict from St. John Chrysostom Orthodox Church, Bangalore, was tonsured to the rank of Reader. Following the service traditional Indian food was served to those assembled.

The Russian Orthodox Church has stable and growing missions in India, Pakistan and Nepal. There are several converts to Orthodoxy from Roman Catholic, Anglican and various protestant denominations and also from Hinduism and Islam.

Source: OCP News Service