: 24 November 2007 – the 15th Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese of the ROCOR has concluded

With God’s help the 15th Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese of the ROCOR has concluded successfully.

The Conference began on the morning of the 23rd of November with a moleben service in the Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral, Sydney, and continued over a two day period in a noticeably peaceful manner, without any excessive argumentative discussions.

His Eminence, Archbishop Hilarion of Sydney, Australia and New Zealand, the First Deputy of the Chairman of the Synod of Bishops (ROCOR), declared the Conference open and appointed Archpriest Michael Boikov Master of Ceremonies, asking him to maintain the good order of the Conference. Thereupon followed the election of 4 Counters and the Presidium, which was made up of: Archbishop Hilarion – President, Archpriest Gabriel Makarov – Vice-President, Archpriest Nicholas Karipoff and Deacon Constantine Semovskih – Secretaries, while the members chosen for the Editorial Commission were Archpriest Michael Protopopov, Archpriest Nikita Chemodakov and Ludmilla Ivachev.

Next, Vladyka Hilarion, the Ruling Bishop, read an extensive review of the life of the diocese over the past 3 years. (see here)

After the bishop gave an English summation of this review, Mr. Nicholas Nedachin, the Diocesan Treasurer, presented the diocesan Triennial Financial Report. Mr. Nedachin gave adequate answers to all questions and advice from the delegates. His report was accepted unanimously.

Before the luncheon adjournment the delegates heard an interesting report from the Diocesan Youth Committee member, Alexander Paramonov, about the ongoing work with the youth.

After a tasty lunch, prepared by the cathedral sisterhood, the representative of the Auditing Commission, Mr. Igor Valiukevich, read out the positive conclusion of the aforementioned commission.

Notwithstanding their tiredness, all the delegates listened attentively and with interest to the brief overviews given by the attending rectors of parishes, communities and monasteries concerning the life of their spiritual communities.

On the next day the overviews given by rectors continued. Archpriest Michael Protopopov, representing the Editorial Committee, read out the texts of Welcoming letters to be sent on behalf of the Conference to His Holiness, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexis II, to His Eminence, Metropolitan Laurus, First Hierarch of the ROCOR and to various government representatives.

After this all the delegates organised themselves for a general photograph (see here)

Upon returning to the church hall, the delegates participated in the election of the members of the Diocesan Council and of the Auditing Commission. (For results see here)

After some editing, the Resolution drafted by the Editorial Committee was accepted unanimously. (Read it here)

Having completed the 15th Diocesan Conference with hope in God’s unending mercy and with one-mindedness, brotherly love and piety the delegates headed for the Cathedral to render thanks to the Most High God.

Archpriest Michael Boikov
Diocesan Secretary