: Holy Cross Mission, Melbourne, Feast Day – Exaltation of the Cross

Holy Cross Mission on Spring Street in Melbourne celebrated its patronal feast-day recently, that of the Exaltation of the Cross. It was an especially significant celebration this year, as our much loved Archbishop Hilarion was with us.

The feast day itself was celebrated with the usual Vigil Service with the bringing out of the holy Cross and its veneration; and on the day itself Liturgy was celebrated by Priestmonks Benjamin and Kyril.

The festivities continued: the following day, Archbishop Hilarion baptised an adult Catechumen, now named Helen. The Liturgy following the Baptism was celebrated in the presence of Archbishop Hilarion by Fathers Benjamin and Kyril, with Deacon Alexander Abramov from the Melbourne Cathedral, and many of the Mission faithful. During the reading of the Hours prior to the Liturgy, the Archbishop tonsured to the rank of Reader Mr Emil Mishriky, and then Reader Emil and Reader Alan Burns were elevated to the rank of Subdeacon.

There were further festivities on the Saturday: Hierarchical Liturgy with Diaconal Ordination. The new Subdeacon Emil Mishriky was ordained Deacon, to serve at the Mission.

The feast of the Elevation of the Cross is particularly rich, as its hymnody is replete with the most wonderful theology. For those at the Mission, it was an additional delight this time to welcome into the Christian Church the newly baptised Helen, for to witness a baptism is a sobering reminder of the seriousness of one’s own baptism. Likewise, to see men offering themselves and their talents in the ordained service of the Church is an inspiring thing. We pray that there will be even more enthusiastic labourers in the vineyard, both lay and ordained.

Holy Cross Mission continues to grow, providing a living witness to Orthodoxy in the CBD of a huge city. It is, in fact, the place where the first Orthodox services were held in Melbourne, when the Church of England nuns who operated a mission there allowed and encouraged Orthodox reader’s services by the Russian, Greek and Lebanese immigrants who lived nearby. The old Mission House, by a miraclulous series of events, has now been made available for an Orthodox mission centre. Its doors are open most days of the week; about a million people pass by daily; thousands of free pamphlets explaining Orthodoxy are taken; there is a bookroom, and many come in to the Church there to pray, light candles or just to enjoy the divine presence. There are the usual daily services of Vespers and Matins, and Liturgy on Sundays, Thursdays and the feast days. Fr Kyril serves there and deals with the daily stream of enquirers.

We invite the prayerful support of the faithful for the Mission and its clergy, and ask that you join with us in wishing Many years to the newly baptised Helen, the new Subdeacon Allan, and to the new Deacon Father Emil.

Of course, it is our joy to thank Archbishop Hilarion for his prayers and encouragement;and we pray that the Lord our God will remember his episcopate in his kingdom, now and for ever and to the ages of ages.

Benjamin, priestmonk