: The Act of Canonical Communion has been signed

On the day of the major feast of the Ascension of the Lord in the church of Christ the Saviour, located in the God-preserved city of Moscow, the fateful document “the Act of Canonical Communion was signed. It was signed by His Holiness Patriarch Alexis II on behalf of the Moscow Patriarchate and His Eminence Metropolitan Laurus, First Hierarch of the ROCOR. The Divine Liturgy followed during which bishops, (including our ruling Bishop – Archbishop Hilarion) clergy, monastics and laity of both parts of the one Local Russian Orthodox Church communed. The service was transmitted via live web feed from the site http://www.xxc.ru/ . See the archival web feed

With this Act the eucharistic communion between the MP and the ROCOR has been restored. Once again the words of the highpriest’s prayer of Our Lord Jesus Christ have been fulfilled: “May they be one: as You are Father in Me and I in You so shall they be one in Us…” (John 17:21)


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