: An account of the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God at All Saints of Russia Church, Croydon

On Tuesday, 24 April 2007, through the mercies of God and the gracious assent of the Heavenly Queen herself, the Holy Wonderworking Kursk Root icon of the Mother of God – the Odigitria (Guide) of the Russian diaspora arrived in Australia. With the blessing of the First Hierarch of ROCOR, His Eminence Metropolitan Laurus the holy icon was accompanied by his deputy, Archbishop Hilarion, the ruling bishop of the Sydney, Australia and New Zealand diocese of ROCOR.

On the following day, on Wednesday, 25 April at the Archbishop’s Chapel, Croydon, where incidently the Wonderworking Akhtirskaya Icon of the Mother of God is kept, the public gathered to meet the holy icon. Surrounded by a large crowd of praying people (numbering over 300), His Grace, Archbishop Hilarion presided over a molieben and akathist service to the Mother of God. He was accompanied by the Indonesian Archimandrite Daniel with two fellow priests, the Dean of NSW –  Archpriest Nikita Chemodakov, a cleric of the Archbishop’s Chapel – Mitred Archpriest Michael Li, Hieromonk Joachim (Ross) and priests Alexander Korzhenevsky and Seraphim Sheidler.

The choir, comprised of singers from almost all of the parishes of Sydney, was conducted by the sacristan of the Archbishop’s Chapel. Archpriest Michael Boikov. The majestic and yet prayerful service was concluded with a particularly joyful and comforting announcement by Archbishop Hilarion that His Eminence Metropolitan Laurus and the members of the Synod of ROCOR had given their blessing for the holy icon to remain in the Australian and New Zealand diocese until September this year.

On Friday, 27 April the holy icon will depart for Brisbane, where Archbishop Hilarion will perform two ordinations to the priesthood: on Saturday – Deacon Ivan Weir and on Sunday – Deacon Gabriel Lapardin.

O Holy Mother of God pray for us sinners!

Secretary of the Diocesan Administration
Archpriest Michael Boikov

See http://www.rocor.org.au/news10/?p=197 for Photos