: Russian Orthodox Community of Brisbane celebrates its first Priestly Ordinations in 25 Years

The Kursk Root Icon of the Theotokos, accompanied by Archbishop Hilarion, arrived at the Parish of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God at Rocklea at 6pm on Friday the 27 April and was present for Matins.

The following morning, at 8:30am, the holy icon again was present at the Rocklea parish for the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy, presided over by Archbishop Hilarion, accompanied by the prayers of Archpriest Michael Klebansky (Dean of the Queensland parishes), Archpriest Gabriel Makarov, and Hieromonk John Macpherson, and assisted by Deacons Alexander Borodin, Gabriel Lapardin, John Weir and Konstantin Semovskih.

Immediately after the Great Entrance during this Liturgy, Deacon John Weir was led out by Deacons Alexander and Konstantin to stand before the Kursk Root Icon, where he received the command of the people, the clergy, and of the ruling Arcbhishop to be brought to the Royal Doors. There, he was received by the priests into the Altar and was ordained to the priesthood through the ancient sacrament of Laying on of Hands by Archbishop Hilarion.The newly ordained Priest John Weir was presented to the people by Arcbhishop Hilarion with cries of “Axios! Axios! Axios” (“He is worthy!”).

Deacon John Weir carries the Aer on his head as he is lead before the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God by two deacons, just prior to his ordination to the priesthood

From left to right – Deacon Konstantin Semovskih, Archpriest Michael Klebansky, Archbishop Hilarion, the newly ordained Priest John Weir, Archpriest Gabriel Makarov, Deacon Alexander Borodin and Hieromonk John Macpherson stand next to the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God

Priest John was assigned by Archbishop Hilarion to serve as the second priest at St Nicholas Cathedral, along with the rector of that parish, Archpriest Gabriel Makarov. Deacon Alexander Borodin was also transferred to serve at St Nicholas Cathedral parish.

That same evening, the Kursk Icon was brought to the historic St Nicholas Cathedral at Wooloongabba for the All Night Vigil before a multitude of worshippers. The following morning, Sunday 29 April, after the meeting of the Archbishop, the blessing was given to begin the reading of the Hours prior to the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy for the 4th Sunday after Pascha. The reading of the Hours was halted during the 6th Hour and at this time Archbishop Hilarion tonsured Vasiliy Konstantinidis to the rank of Reader (the first level of Holy Orders in the Orthodox Church). The newly-tonsured Reader Vasiliy was assigned to the Cathedral.

Vasiliy Konstantinidis receives the blessing prior to his tonsure to the rank of Reader

Vasiliy Konstantinidis is tonsured

Reader Vasiliy receives the grace of the Readership from Archbishop Hilarion

The Divine Liturgy, which was presided over by Archbishop Hilarion and accompanied by the prayers of Archpriests Michael Klebansky, Gabriel Makarov, George Lapardin, with Hieromonk John Macpherson and Priest John Weir, and assisted by Deacons Alexander Kotlaroff, Alexander Borodin, Gabriel Lapardin and Konstantin Semovskih, came to a pause immediately after the Great Entrance, as Deacons Alexander Borodin and Konstantine Semovskih led Deacon Gabriel Lapardin before the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God. Here Deacon Gabriel received his commands from the people, the clergy and the Archbishop to be led to the Royal Doors where he was recieved by the priests and was ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop Hilarion.

Deacon Gabriel Lapardin is brought before the Kursk Icon just prior to his ordination

The newly-ordained Priest Gabriel was presented before the mass of worshippers with the thrice-repeated cry of “Axios!”

Priest Gabriel was assigned by Archbishop Hilarion to serve as rector of Saint Seraphim of Sarov Parish, Wooloongabba.

Archbishop Hilarion with newly-ordained Priest Gabriel Lapardin

Later, on Sunday evening, all of the Russian Orthodox Clergy of Brisbane concelebrated an Akathist (service of Thanksgiving) to the Mother of God before the ancient and miraculous Kursk Icon at the St Seraphim of Sarov Parish in Wooloongabba, which was attended by an esimated 150 worshippers.

Significantly, the first Russian Orthodox priestly ordinations in Brisbane in 25 years occurred in an atmosphere of joy, oneness of mind, brotherly love and piety, and instead of just one, we gained two priests in two days! We give thanks unto the Lord for granting us the opportunity to witness these historically significant events, and to pray together before his Holy Mother. We pray for the health, long-life, visitation and for every good thing to be granted to the newly ordained priests of Brisbane, their families, and to all the clergy and parishioners.