: Miracle-working Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God arrives in Sydney on 24 April

His Grace Archbishop Hilarion will arrive back in Sydney on Tuesday 24 April bringing with him the Miracle-working Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God, the Protectress of the Russian Diaspora. Everyone is invited to attend 

A Molieben and Akathist to be served before the Kursk Icon at the Archbishop’s Chapel, Chelmsford Avenue, Croydon at 6.00pm on Wednesday 25 April

The Icon will then travel to Brisbane and an itinerary will be arranged for visits to other parishes in Australia. There will certainly be opportunities to venerate the Holy Icon in Sydney after the itinerary has been finalised.

Please let your Orthodox friends and acquaintances know of the Icon’s visit – all are welcome to venerate the Holy Icon and to ask for the intercession of the Mother of God.