: Upcoming Feast Day – St. Panteleimon Church, Gosford

This year, the Gosford parish will celebrate its patronal feast on Saturday 8 August 2009.  All-night Vigil will begin at 6.00pm on Friday 7 August 2009, with the Lesser Blessing of Waters at 8.15am on Saturday 8 August 2009, and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am.  Afterwards, there will be a festive lunch at the Narara Community Centre.  All are invited!  Clergy and altar servers should bring gold vestments.

We will also have Vespers at 6.00pm on Saturday 8 August 2009, and Divine Liturgy at 9.00am on Sunday 9 August 2009.  In view of the major festivities the previous day, this service will be somewhat simpler and less festive.

Father James Carles

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