

: His Grace Bishop George celebrates the Divine Liturgy at St Sava’s College, Varroville

On Sunday, 28 March 2021, the second week of Great Lent, His Grace Bishop George of Canberra was invited to concelebrate the Divine Liturgy with His Grace Bishop Siluan of Australia and New Zealand of the Serbian Orthodox Church at St. Sava’s College, Varroville NSW.

Co-serving with the hierarchs were clerics of the Serbian Orthodox Church Archpriests: Nikola Bilić, Sasa Stojanović, and Goran Ćećez, Protodeacon Petar Mrakić, Deacon Miloš and Protodeacon Alexander Kotlaroff cleric of St’s Peter and Paul Cathedral Strathfield (ROCOR). (more…)

: Отошел ко Господу протодиакон Василий Хадарин – Protodeacon Vassily Hadarin reposed to the Lord

В воскресенье, 14 февраля, отошел ко Господу протодиакон Василий Хадарин. Отец Василий был рукоположен в сан диакона в 1983 году Aрхиепископом Павлом и служил в Покровском храме Кабраматта, в церкви Архангела Михаила Блэктауне и Казанском женском монастыре в Кентлине. Выражаем соболезнования родным и близким.

Тело отца Василия будет доставлено в Покровский храм Кабраматта во вторник, 23 февраля, в 18:00. В среду, 24 февраля, в 8:00 часов будет отслужена Божественная Литургия. Отпевание состоится после Божественной Литургии. (more…)

: Nativity Epistle of His Eminence Hilarion Metropolitan of Eastern America & New York First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad

Your Graces, brother-archpastors, reverend fathers, beloved brothers and sisters in the Lord!

By God’s ineffable goodness, we enter once more into the joyous days of the great feasts of Christ’s Nativity and Theophany. I sincerely greet you all with this world-saving joy! The works of faith and its fruit in life must be from this joy: from the triumph of the Theophany ‒ God’s manifestation and incarnation ‒ and the sound of the Heavenly doxology and otherworldly peace being sung over Bethlehem. (more…)

: Литургический справочник по практике Русской Православной Церкви Заграницей / The Liturgical Handbook of the Practices of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad

Западно-Европейская епархия имеет честь объявить о публикации на своем веб-сайте обновленного и расширенного «Литургического справочника по практике Русской Православной Церкви заграницей», который впервые доступен в полноценном формате на русском и английском языках. С литургическим справочником можно ознакомиться здесь.

The Diocese of Great Britain and Western Europe is pleased to announce publication on its web site of the newly-revised and expanded Liturgical Handbook of the Practices of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, which is now available for the first time in complete English and Russian editions. The Liturgical Handbook can be accessed here.


: His Grace Bishop George ordained Deacon Erich Fein to the Priesthood

On Friday the 4th of December 2020, the feast of the Entrance of the Mother of God into the Temple, His Grace Bishop George celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God parish, in Rocklea QLD. During the Divine Liturgy, His Grace ordained subdeacon Erich Fein to the diaconate.

The following Sunday, 6th of December 2020, Bishop George celebrated the Divine Liturgy at St Nicholas Cathedral, Brisbane QLD. During the 6th Hour, His Grace tonsured John Strelkov a Reader and during the Small Entrance, he awarded the rector of the Cathedral, Archpriest Gabriel Makarov the right to wear the mitre and Priest Andrew Smith, rector of the Holy Annunciation parish, the right to wear the purple skoufia.  After the Cherubic Hymn, His Grace ordained deacon Erich Fein to the priesthood. Priest Erich Fein, has been assigned to the St John the Baptist Orthodox Mission, Toowoomba QLD. (more…)

: Invitation to an online panel discussion – topic ‘Does my relationship with my spouse influence the development and growth of my children?’

You are invited to join the next and final Faith&Wisdom:Family Edition talk for 2020 hosted by Priest Stephen David, cleric of St John the Baptist Russian Orthodox Cathedral, Canberra.

The discussion will be joined by Archpriest Gabriel Makarov from St Nicholas Cathedral in Queensland, Dr Nadia Crittenden from Sydney and Tania Pye from Victoria. (more…)

: Jubilee Epistle of His Eminence Hilarion Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad

Your Graces Brother-Archpastors, Honorable Fathers,
Beloved Brothers and Sisters in the Lord!

I sincerely greet you with the 725th Anniversary of the appearance of the miraculous Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God of the “Sign,” and with the Centennial of the founding of the Higher Church Administration Abroad, which later was transformed into the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Church Abroad. We are not marking the events that destroyed all the foundations of Pre-Revolutionary Russia, and which hit extremely hard on our dear Mother – the Local Russian Orthodox Church – having pushed Her, together with the whole country, onto a path of great suffering, repression, martyrdom and confession. Rather, we raise up gratitude to God, Who has preserved us under the shelter of our precious Orthodox Faith, in the traditions of the glorious Russian Church. (more…)

: Invitation to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of St John the Baptist Skete, Kentlyn

2020 is a festive year for the Skete – it is the 60th anniversary since its founding in 1960, by Monk Guri, a refugee from Communist China. Bishop George was unable to serve the Liturgy for the Skete feast day earlier this year. However, we are organising a more modest celebration on Saturday the 31st October. We invite all Sydney clergy, their parishioners and all friends of the Skete, to come to the Skete on that day at 11.30am when His Grace, Bishop George, will serve a Molieben to St John the Baptist, to be followed by a buffet lunch and a cup of tea for everyone!!! (more…)

: Invitation to the next Faith&Wisdom Family Edition online talk on communication within the family

The next Faith&Wisdom: Family Edition talk, hosted by St John the Baptist Cathedral, Canberra, will be held on Monday, 28 September 2020 at 7.30pm. (more…)