: Funeral Services for newly reposed Protodeacon Constantine

On Friday, 4 February at 6pm, the body of Fr Constantine will be brought to Sts Peter and Paul Cathedral, 3 Vernon St, Strathfield NSW 2135. Vespers and Matins will commence after the arrival of the newly reposed. On Saturday, 5 February a Divine Liturgy will be served at 7:30am. The funeral service will be held following the Divine Liturgy. (more…)

: Отошел ко Господу протодиакон Константин Мошегов – Protodeacon Constantine Moshegov reposed to the Lord

Со скорбью сообщаем что 30 января 2022 г. на 58-м году жизни oтошел ко Господу протодиакон Константин Мошегов.

Отец Константин закончил Сиднейский университет медицинский факультет, потом работал на практике лечащим врачом, затем стал специалистом-офтальмологом, глазным хирургом.

В 2007 году в праздник Сретенье Господне, Архиеп. Иларионом, иподиакон Константин был рукоположен в сан диакона и служил в храме Всех Святых в Земле Русской Просиявших в Кройдоне и в Петропавловском кафедральном соборе в Страдфилде. (more…)

: Jordanville Annual Fund 2021 Year-End Appeal

Dear Friends and Supporters!

Many wonderful things are happening at Holy Trinity Theological Seminary in Jordanville, and the pace is picking up like never before!

  • This year 2021-22 we have enrolled an unprecedented number of exceptionally qualified and enthusiastic students, so that on-campus housing is now filled to capacity, which will soon necessitate additional space.
  • Many facets of the HTS curriculum are now under review with the aim of optimally responding to the evolving needs of today’s Orthodox seminary education and pedagogy.
  • Institutional accreditation with the NY State Board of Education is being officially sustained, thereby confirming our program’s true excellence at both the undergraduate (B.Th.) and graduate (M.Div.) levels.
  • The HTS faculty is rapidly rising in its stature and credentials with a clearly strengthened perception of both spirituality and scholarship as key components of contemporary Orthodox pastoral formation.


: Ukase No: 1-10-21

: Invitation to attend an online conference “Links between Times: Conclusions and Perspectives. On the Centennial of the Russian Church Abroad” from 22nd to 25th November 2021

HTOS Senior Faculty Member Organizes Conference on ROCOR History in Belgrade, Serbia, November 22–25, 2021

With the blessing of the Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church and His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad, Deacon Andrei Psarev, Professor of Russian History and Canon Law at Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary, is organizing a conference “Links between Times: Conclusions and Perspectives. On the Centennial of the Russian Church Abroad” in Belgrade, Serbia, this November. Fr. Andrei is collaborating with Dr. Radovan Pilipović, Director of the Archive of the Serbian Orthodox Church. (more…)

: Invitation to the next Faith&Wisdom Family Edition talk on raising children

Topic: Raising Children – A panel discussion on raising saints.
Date: Sunday 17 October 2021
Time: 7.30pm

: Open Letter from Bishop George of Canberra to the Honourable Gladys Berejiklian and the Honourable Daniel Andrews

: Address by Bishop George of Canberra to the clergy and flock of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese

: Invitation to Faith&Wisdom: Family Edition online talk on Technology and the family

Dear brothers and sisters,

The Holy Annunciation parish in QLD will be holding its next Faith&Wisdom: Family Edition talk online where we will be discussing the topic: Technology and the family: Friend or Foe? In our current technological age, we are inundated with devices that are designed to make our lives easier. But what are the impacts of this technology on the family unit and what is the right balance for Orthodox Christians? (more…)

: PASCHAL ADDRESS of His Eminence Hilarion Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad


of His Eminence


Metropolitan of Eastern America and New York

First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad