Filed under 1 Diocesan News, 3 Articles & Sermons, English, Photos / Фото
Tags: Bishop George
On Friday, 6th and Saturday 7th of January 2023, the feast of The Nativity of Christ, His Grace George, Bishop of Sydney Australia and New Zealand lead the services at Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield. Co-served with his Grace were the cathedral clergy.
During the communion of clergy, the Epistle of His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad was read. (more…)
Filed under 1 Diocesan News, 3 Articles & Sermons, English, Photos / Фото
Tags: Syezd
Praying, Learning, Growing Together: 2022 Syezd Youth ConferenceAn annual Diocesan event, 2022 saw our Syezd Youth Conference hosted in Brisbane. Months of preparation had produced a schedule that equally prioritised praying together, learning together, and growing together. We were especially overjoyed to welcome our brothers and sisters in Christ from three other states of Australia, who were able to join us in person; we were likewise delighted to welcome our brothers and sisters in Christ from New Zealand, along with others from other parts of Queensland and Australia, who joined us over Zoom for lectures and panel discussions.
Filed under 1 Diocesan News, 3 Articles & Sermons, English
Tags: Epistle, Metropolitan Nicholas
Nativity Epistle of His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad
Eminent Fellow Archpastors, Honorable Fathers, Beloved Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,
Greetings with the Nativity of Christ!
In these days of great joy, the thoughts of the archpastors, pastors, monastics, parishioners, and faithful of the churches and monasteries of our dioceses, scattered like God’s wheat over the vast earth, meet in the meek Bethlehem cave, in the semi-darkness in which was lit the unquenchable Light of the world — our Lord Jesus (more…)
Filed under 1 Diocesan News, 3 Articles & Sermons, English
Nativity Epistle of His Grace, Bishop George of Sydney, Australia & New Zealand
Nativity of Christ 2022/23
“…and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them,
till it came and stood over where the young child was.
When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.
And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and
fell down, and worshipped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto
him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.“ (Matthew 2: 9-11) (more…)
Filed under 2 Parish News, 3 Articles & Sermons, English, Photos / Фото
Tags: Bishop George, Holy Annunciation Parish
On Saturday, 26 November 2022, Holy Annunciation Orthodox Church, Brisbane, was privileged to host His Grace, the Right Reverend George, Bishop of Sydney, Australia and New Zealand. Approaching the church, he was greeted by the altar servers, and blessed two to wear the cassock and enter the church. He was then welcomed by Mr Katavic, Warden, who gave a customary greeting of bread and salt, while the choir, led by Mrs Sams, sang ‘From the Rising…’.
Filed under 1 Diocesan News, English
Tags: Syezd
With the blessing of His Grace, Bishop George of Sydney Australia and New Zealand, the 2022 Diocesan Syezd – Youth Committee will be held in Brisbane QLD.
For more information, please refer to
Filed under 1 Diocesan News, English
Tags: Teen Retreat
With the blessing of His Grace George, Bishop of Sydney, Australia and New Zealand, the Teen Retreat in 2022 will be held in Melbourne, Victoria. (more…)