: Nativity Epistle of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad


Eminent brother-archpastors, father-concelebrants, God-loving monastics,
 beloved in the Lord brothers and sisters, parishioners and worshipers
 of our churches, scattered throughout the world:

I extend to you my heartfelt greetings on this grace-filled feast day of the Nativity of Christ, when the Omnipotent God, Creator and Master of the heavens and the earth, became a living Person, One of us, born a helpless Infant in the small Judean village of Bethlehem! (more…)

: Diocesan Teen Retreat 2015

teen_retreat_2015_33From 20-24 Dec, the Diocesan Teen Retreat was held on the Sunshine Coast in southeast Queensland, with the blessing of Metropolitan Hilarion and in the presence of Bishop George.

The organising committee, headed by Priest Gabriel Lapardin, had selected Luther Heights as the place for almost 60 teens, travelling from near and far, to draw closer to God and develop connections that will last a lifetime. (more…)

: A meeting of the Diocesan Council is held

On Thursday 17 December the Diocesan Council convened in Croydon for its final meeting in 2015.  In attendance were His Grace Bishop George of Canberra; Mitred Archpriests Michael Protopopov and Nikita Chemodakov; Archpriests Nicholas Karipoff, Gabriel Makarov, and George Lapardin; Priest James Carles, Protodeacon Alexander Abramoff, Nicholas Nedachin, Alexander Bialocerkowski, Nicholas Wirubov and Lubov Cowall.

The Diocesan Council heard the usual reports on Diocesan property, administration, and governance.  It was noted that the reorganisation of the Diocesan Office was proceeding satisfactorily, with Ms Irina Shchelokova engaged as Finance Officer and Ms Marika Varbola engaged as Administration Officer.   These new positions have been filled in order to support the transition of long-serving Office Manager Ms Vera Wheat to a new role as Personal Assistant to Metropolitan Hilarion and Bishop George.  It was agreed that clergy would be formally advised of these changes early in 2016 and that parishes and Diocesan institutions would at the same time be provided with a list of the matters for which each position had responsibility.  Over lunch, Diocesan Council members had the opportunity to meet and speak with Ms Shchelokova. (more…)

: Russian Orthodox Families Enjoy Family Camp the Second Time Around

strathfield_family_camp_2015_24A total of 25 Russian Orthodox families joined in the 2nd annual family camp at Galston Gorge for two days of educational and recreational activities. A group of more than 60 children, together with their parents and also some grandparents, enjoyed a variety of spiritual talks and discussions as well outdoor activities – and the weather held good until it was time to go home, despite forecasts of rain that weekend!

A special guest on Friday evening was Bishop George who mingled informally with families around the large campfire which lit up the night and soon had families singing favourite songs. (more…)

: Fortieth Day of the Repose of Protodeacon Nicholas Triantafillidis

fr_nick_40days8On Tuesday 10 November clergy and faithful from across the Sydney region prayerfully remembered the fortieth day of the repose of Protodeacon Nicholas Triantafillidis, a widely-respected clergyman of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia who served the Australian-New Zealand Diocese for ten years.  Gathering that evening in the Diocesan Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul were His Grace Bishop George, Archpriests George Lapardin and Daniel Metlenko, Priests James Carles and Dionysios Halim, Protodeacon Alexander Kotlaroff, family members and friends of the late Father Nicholas, and with a great many of the faithful who knew and admired him. (more…)

: Invitation – 40th anniversary of the repose of ever-memorable Archpriest Rostislav Gan / Сороковая годовщина преставления приснопамятного Протоиерея Ростислава Ган

: Announcement: Panikhida for Newly-reposed Protodeacon Nikolai Triantafillidis

pahikhida_2015On Tuesday 10 November 2015 at 6:30pm there will be a panikhida served at Sts Peter and Paul Cathedral in Strathfield to mark 40 days of the newly-reposed Protodeacon Nikolai Triantafillidis. Fr Nikolai was a former cleric of our Diocese and served at the Cathedral for many years. Following the service the family invites all participants to the church hall for a memorial dinner.

Во вторник 10 ноября 2015 исполняется 40 дней со дня кончины протодиакона Николая Триантафиллидиса. В этот день в 6:30ч вечера в Свято-Петропавловском Кафедральном Соборе, Стратфилд, будет отслужена панихида о новопреставленном. После панихиды семья о. Николая приглашает всех на поминки которые состоятся в прицерковном зале.

: His Grace Bishop George Celebrated the Feast of St John of Kronstadt in Dandenong VIC

dandy_2015_1On Sunday 1 November 2015, His Grace Bishop George celebrated the Divine Liturgy for the feast of St John of Kronstadt in our Lady’s Dormition Church Dandenong, VIC. Click here to view the photoreport.


: His Grace Bishop George Celebrated the Feast of the Protection of the Holy Virgin in Cabramatta – photoreport

cabra_2015_10His Grace Bishop George celebrated the Feast of the Protection of the Holy Virgin in Cabramatta, the patronal feast day of the Cabramatta parish.


See below for a photoreport.



: 5th Episcopal Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of Oceania


The members of the 5th Episcopal Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of Oceania welcomed the opportunity to meet in Sydney on Tuesday 13th October, 2015, under the chairmanship ex officio of His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos of Australia.

Present were: His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos (Ecumenical Patriarchate); His Eminence Archbishop Paul (Antiochian Church); His Grace Bishop George (Russian Church); His Grace Bishop Irinej (Serbian Church); His Grace Bishop Mihail (Romanian Church); His Eminence Metropolitan Amphilochios (Ecumenical Patriarchate); His Grace Bishop Ezekiel (Assistant Bishop); His Grace Bishop Seraphim (Assistant Bishop); His Grace Bishop Nikandros (Assistant Bishop) and His Grace Bishop Iakovos (Assistant Bishop). (more…)