: Youth from the Australian and New Zealand Diocese Participate in the 9th International Concord of Orthodox Youth

kursk_2016On Tuesday, July 19, 2016, the Korenny Pilgrim Center near the Kursk-Root Hermitage in Russia hosted the opening of the 9th International Concord of Orthodox Youth. The main focus of this conference is the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the Russian presence on Mt Athos, Greece. A group of Australian and New Zealand youth from the Diocese flew to Kursk under the guidance of Protodeacon Alexander Abramoff cleric of the Holy Protection Cathedral, Melbourne to participate in the conference. Please click here for more information.

: Australian and New Zealand Diocesan Council Meeting

diocesan_council_july_2016On Thursday 23 June 2016 meetings of the Board of the Russian Orthodox Church (NSW) Property Trust and the Diocesan Council were held at the Diocesan House in Croydon, NSW.  Participating in this full day of meetings were Diocesan Administrator Bishop George, Diocesan Chancellor Mitred Archpriest Michael Protopopov, and Diocesan Council members Archpriest George Lapardin, Priest James Carles, Protodeacon Alexander Abramoff, Nicholas Nedachin, Alexander Bialocerkowski, Lubov Cowall and Nicholas Wirubov. Metropolitan Hilarion participated in the meeting of the Property Trust by telephone. (more…)

: Epistle of Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York on the Day of Orthodox Youth of the Russian Church Abroad, Celebrated on the Sunday of All Saints

Beloved in the Lord Brothers and Sisters:

I send my heartfelt greetings on the feast of All Saints, and the Day of Orthodox Youth celebrated on this day, which was established by the Russian Church Abroad seven years ago.

: The Australian and New Zealand Diocese Celebrating 50 Years Since the Repose of St John of Shanghai and San Francisco


On Saturday, 2 July 2016 the Australian and New Zealand Diocese will be commemorating the 50 year anniversary of the repose of St John of Shanghai and San Francisco.


: From Jordanville Monastery to a Maximum Security Prison in Australia


: Funeral of Mitred Protopriest Michael Klebansky at Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God Church in Rocklea

5ausprotmichaelklebanskyfuneral16_031_jpgOn Thursday, May 19, 2016, the feast day of Prophet Job the Much-Suffering, His Grace Bishop George of Canberra, Vicar of the Diocese of Australia and New Zealand, celebrated Divine Liturgy at the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God Church in Rocklea after which he officiated at the funeral of the late Mitred Protopriest Michael Klebansky. He was joined by 15 priests, three deacons and a large gathering of worshipers, among whom were relatives and the many followers of the late priest. (more…)

: Funeral of Mitred Protopriest Michael Li at Holy Virgin Protection Church in Cabramatta

5ausprotmichaellifuneral16_016_jpgOn Tuesday, May 17, 2016, the anniversary of the reestablishment of unity within the Russian Orthodox Church (2007), the clergymen of the Diocese of Australia and New Zealand celebrated Divine Liturgy in Holy Virgin Protection Church in Cabramatta, having performed vigil and parastas in the presence of the coffin containing the body of the late Mitred Protopriest Michael Li, who died last week.

After Divine Liturgy, His Grace Bishop George of Canberra, Vicar of the Diocese, led the funeral service to a large gathering of worshipers who came to pray for the late pastor. During the eulogies read at the commemorative luncheon that followed the burial, the clergymen and laity stressed the decades of ascetic life of the priest, who endured a great deal of suffering for the sake of Orthodox Christianity, and his humble nature, humility, hard work and love for divine services. (more…)

: His Eminence Metropolitan Hilaron Ordained Seminarian Michael Storozhev to the Diaconate

fr_michael_storozhev_12On May 10, 2016, the feast of Radonitsa, His Eminence Metropolitan Hilaron, The First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad paid an archpastoral visit to Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville, NY USA.

During the reading of the Hours, Metropolitan Hilarion tonsured seminarian from the Australian and New Zealand Diocese Michael Storozhev a reader and ordained him a subdeacon. Following the Eucharistic Canon, subdeacon Michael was ordained to the diaconate.

Deacon Michael is assigned to Sts Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield where he will fulfil his diaconate duties. (more…)

: Paschal Epistle of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad to the Archpastors, pastors, monastics and all the faithful of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.

Christ is risen!

Every year, we are filled with spiritual joy and ecstasy when we hear these words and reverently participate in the exalted solemnity of the paschal divine services, which remind us of Christ’s glorious victory over sin, evil and death, for we celebrate “the demise of death, the destruction of Hades, the beginning of a new and everlasting life” (from the Paschal Canon). His Beatitude, Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky), who passed into eternity 80 years ago, penetratingly observed that every feast is a sacrament. And Pascha is the feast of feasts and triumph of triumphs. The gracious power of this mystical celebration fills with joy, comforts, strengthens for the bearing of life’s cross, restores one’s inner powers, and imbues one with the spiritual vigilance and undaunted courage to endure all the sorrows and sufferings that beset us in this life. (more…)

: The Australian and New Zealand Diocese Lenten Pastoral Conference

pastirskoe_2016_33On Thursday 24 March and Friday 25 March 2016 the clergy of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese gathered in Sydney, NSW, for the customary Lenten Pastoral Retreat and Conference.  These dates had been chosen as Friday 25 March was a public holiday, making attendance easier for the many clergymen with secular work commitments.

On Thursday afternoon the clergy gathered for refreshments and fellowship in the hall of the Archbishop’s Chapel of All Saints of Russia in Croydon.  In the evening, the Rule of Preparation for Holy Communion was read and Lenten Matins was served.  The clergy formed the choir for the services, singing and reading in both Church Slavonic and English.  His Grace Bishop George of Canberra read the akathist during the Rule of Preparation for Holy Communion and the rector of the Croydon parish, Priest Simon Nekipelov, presided during Matins. (more…)