17 Mar 24: Cheesefare Sunday His Grace George Bishop of Sydney Australia and New Zealand celebrates the divine Liturgy at Sts Peter and Paul Cathedral Strathfield
On 17th March 2024, the Cheesefare Sunday or Sunday of Forgiveness, His Grace George, Bishop of Sydney Australia and New Zealand celebrated the divine Liturgy at Sts Peter and Paul Cathedral Strathfield. Co-serving with Bishop George were the cathedral clergy.
During the sermon Bishop George stressed the importance of receiving Holy Communion throughout Great Lent and asking God for help to hold the fast not only for the first and last week but for the entire duration of Great Lent.
Following the dismissal of liturgy, the service for the Rite of Forgiveness commenced with members of the parish and clergy asking each other for forgiveness.
16 Mar 24: Великопостное послание Первоиерарха Русской Зарубежной Церкви
Возлюбленные о Господе отцы и братья!
Наступает Великий пост – время, предназначенное для самоуглубления, проверки своей жизни, покаяния и исправления. Великий пост – это не только время воздержания от определенного рода пищи, это особое время аскетики ума и чувств, когда мы воздерживаемся от нечистых мыслей, удаляемся от обычных грехов, развлечений и вредных привычек, когда постятся, как говорит Златоуст, “уста, зрение и слух, и ноги, и руки – все члены нашего тела”. (more…)
14 Mar 24: On Meatfare Sunday His Grace Bishop George celebrates the divine Liturgy at Sts Peter and Paul Cathedral Strathfield
On 10th March 2024, the Meatfare Sunday, His Grace George, Bishop of Sydney Australia and New Zealand celebrated the divine Liturgy at Sts Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield. Co-served with His Grace were the cathedral clergy.
Following the service, Bishop George congratulated protodeacon Alexander on his names day which fell on 7th March this year, due to leap year and many years was sung.
19 Dec 23: Рождественское послание Преосвященного Георгия Епископа Сиднейского и Австралийско-Новозеландского
Рождественское послание
Преосвященного Георгия,
Епископа Сиднейского и
Рождество Христово, 2023/2024 г.
«И сказал им Ангел: не бойтесь, я возвещаю вам великую радость, которая будет всем людям. Ибо ныне родился вам в городе Давидовом Спаситель, Который есть Христос Господь… И внезапно явилось с Ангелом многочисленное воинство небесное, славящее Бога и взывающее: Слава в вышних Богу, и на земле мир, в человеках благоволение.» (Луки 2:10-11, 13-14) (more…)
19 Dec 23: Nativity Epistle of His Grace George Bishop of Sydney, Australia & New Zealand
Nativity Epistle
of His Grace
George Bishop of Sydney,
Australia & New Zealand
Nativity of Christ, 2023/2024
And the angel said unto them, Fear not, for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord… And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. (Luke 2: 10-11, 13-14) (more…)
13 Dec 23: The blessing and consecration of the new iconostasis at St Panteleimon’s Church Gosford
On Saturday 2 December and Sunday 3 December we had services for the Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost, for the Forefeast of the Entry of the Mother of God into the Temple, and in honour of Venerable Gregory the Decapolite (+816 AD).
All-night Vigil was served on Saturday evening. Early on Sunday morning the parish rector served the lesser blessing of water, following which we welcomed Bishop George on his first visit to our parish since 2019. (more…)
11 Dec 23: Orthodox Burial On Yolngu Land
Archpriest Nicholas Karipoff and Matushka Anna|9th November 2023 (more…)
11 Dec 23: His Grace Bishop George celebrates the Divine Liturgy at Holy Archangel Michael’s parish Blacktown NSW
On Sunday, 19th November, the 24th week after Pentecost, His Grace Bishop George of Sydney Australia and New Zealand was invited to celebrate the Divine Liturgy at Holy Archangel Michael’s parish in Blacktown NSW to commemorate the parish feast which this year fell on Tuesday, 21st November. Co-served, with His Grace were priest Adrian Augustus (parish rector), protodeacon Stephen McKay and deacon Michael Matis. (more…)
13 Nov 23: All Diaspora Youth Conference
The All-Diaspora youth conferences have always been a wonderful tradition of the Russian Church Abroad. The first Conference took place with the blessing of the future First Hierarch of the ROCOR, Metropolitan Vitaly (Ustinov) of Montreal and Canada, in 1972 in Montreal (Canada). The Metropolitan invited Orthodox youth from ROCOR parishes on all continents to participate in the Conference. (more…)