: Holy Protection Cathedral Parish Feast Day, Melbourne

On Sunday 1st/14th October 2012 the Holy Protection Cathedral in Melbourne celebrated its Parish Feast Day.

There were six  priests and three deacons present for the Blessing of the Water, Divine Liturgy and procession around the church.

Over three hundred people attended the trapeza following the services.

Photographs: Alec and Nick Rudakov (more…)

: Евгений Шевчук принял управляющего Австралийской и Новозеландской епархии Русской Православной Церкви заграницей

: Invitation – “State of Orthodoxy in Pakistan” Lecture – 21 October 2012

: Missionary Wing of the Moscow Patriarchate Invites Fr Adrian Augustus to Russia

With the blessing of Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad and Archbishop of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese, and following the successful establishment of the St Michael the Archangel Russian Orthodox Mission in Pakistan, the Missionary department of the Moscow Patriarchate under Deacon Fr George Maximov invited Mission Director the Rev Adrian Augustus to lecture on missions in Pakistan, its establishment, causes for establishment, its challenges and threats, the need to evangelise, to promote Russian Orthodoxy to one and all,  the importance of support of the Russian Orthodox Church MP and ROCOR, its future and finally the importance of spreading Orthodoxy in Pakistan and most importantly pastoral care to the unfortunate in Pakistan. (more…)

: Invitation – Saint Panteleimon Parish Picnic

For some years now Gosford parishioners of all ages have gathered on the Monday of the October Long Weekend for a parish picnic day and BBQ at Heazlett Park, Avoca Beach. These picnic days have been a great success, with friends from Sydney and Newcastle often joining us.

Heazlett Park is between Avoca Drive and the lagoon, and has a large playing area, plenty of shady trees, a skate ramp, and amenities. There are also canoes and paddle boats to hire close by. We plan to gather again this year on Monday 1 October.

All are welcome to join us, and encouraged to do so!

Contact details and costs are in the attached flyer.

: Saint Panteleimon Church, Gosford, Feast Day

This year, the parish of the Holy Great-Martyr and Unmercenary Healer Panteleimon, in West Gosford on the NSW Central Coast, had services in honour of its patron saint on the Saturday after the feast. On the evening of Friday 10 August All-Night Vigil was served, with the blessing of loaves, wheat, wine and oil. It was a cold and wet night, and there were very few people in church.

The next morning, Saturday 11 August, a moleben with the blessing of water was served inside the church. Archbishop Michael of Geneva and Western Europe then arrived to preside at Divine Liturgy, and was greeted at the church doors by the parish rector, Priest James Carles. (more…)

: Россииский флаг в центре Мельбурна

Во вторник, 11 сентября в день памяти Усекновения главы Пророка, Иоанна Предтечи – традиционный день поминовения православных воинов, в Мемориальном комплексе “SHRINE OF REMEMBRANCE” у памятной таблички, установленной в память о русских воинах – участниках Первой Мировой Войны 1914-1918 гг., была отслужена заупокойная лития.

Вот уже пятый год, подходя к месту церемонии, охватывает чувство гордости, что в центре Мельбурна на флагштоках рядом с австралийским флагом вновь развивается флаг нашей Родины – России. (more…)

: First Divine Liturgy celebrated in St Michael the Archangel Russian Orthodox Mission in Pakistan

The Mission Grows

Fr Adrian Augustus, Rector of St Michael the Archangel Church in Blacktown and the Spiritual Director of St Michael the Archangel Russian Orthodox Mission in Pakistan, visited Pakistan for the second time this year to the mission’s home city of Sargodha.

During his visited Fr Adrian was warmly welcomed by Mission Administration in Pakistan and celebrated the first Divine Liturgy under tents and a makeshift altar. About 50 people were baptised into Orthodoxy. (more…)

: Фестиваль русского искусства в Брисбене «Из России с любовью»

2 сентября 2012 года в  Русском Общественном Центре Квинсленда (Брисбен, Австралия) состоялось открытие Фестиваля русского искусства в Брисбене  «Из России с любовью». Столь грандиозное событие было посвящено 200-летие Победы России над Армией Наполеона, 70-летию  дипломатических отношений России и Австралии и 40-летию Русского Общественного центра.

В течении двух месяцев шла интенсивная подготовка к этому празднику. Интерес к фестивалю был вызван не только у русских Квинсленде, но и у австралийцев. В день открытия зал был переполнен гостями. (more…)

: Архиепископ Женевский и Западно-Европейский Михаил в Брисбене

19 августа  2012 года, в день Преображения Господня  в Свято-Николаевском соборе Брисбена Божественную литургию возглавил архиепископ Женевский и Западно-Европейский  Михаил в сослужении настоятеля собора, протоиерея Гавриила Макарова, иерея Иоанна Вир, диакона о. Константина Симовских, диакона о. Владимира Бигдан и клириков Брисбена. (more…)