: The Australian and New Zealand Diocese Lenten Pastoral Conference

pastirskoe_2016_33On Thursday 24 March and Friday 25 March 2016 the clergy of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese gathered in Sydney, NSW, for the customary Lenten Pastoral Retreat and Conference.  These dates had been chosen as Friday 25 March was a public holiday, making attendance easier for the many clergymen with secular work commitments.

On Thursday afternoon the clergy gathered for refreshments and fellowship in the hall of the Archbishop’s Chapel of All Saints of Russia in Croydon.  In the evening, the Rule of Preparation for Holy Communion was read and Lenten Matins was served.  The clergy formed the choir for the services, singing and reading in both Church Slavonic and English.  His Grace Bishop George of Canberra read the akathist during the Rule of Preparation for Holy Communion and the rector of the Croydon parish, Priest Simon Nekipelov, presided during Matins. (more…)

: Patronal Feastday of Holy Annunciation, 2016

holy_annunciation_2016Holy Annunciation Orthodox Church, Brisbane, was pleased to welcome His Grace, Bishop George of Canberra, to preside at our patronal feastday.  On the eve of the feast, after a discussion with some of the youth of our parishes, His Grace arrived at Holy Annunciation.  He was greeted by the clergy of our parish, together with clergy from our Deanery, and the Great Vigil service was celebrated.

The next day, the Lenten Hours and Typika were served.  After this, Bp George was greeted on his arrival, was vested, and proceeded to celebrate the Hierarchal Vesperal Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostom – the first Liturgy that His Grace had served at our parish – followed by a cross-procession. (more…)

: Богослужения 3-й Неделе Великого Поста в Петропавловском Кафедральном Соборе, Стратфильд

thrid_week_lent_cathedral2016_12На 3-й неделе Великого поста, Преосвященнейший Георгий Епископ Канберрский совершил Богослужения в Петропавловском Кафедральном соборе в г. Стратфильде. Его Преосвященству сослужили ключарь собора прот. Георгий Лапардин и соборный протодиакон Александр Котляров.

По окончании Божественной Литургии, Владыко Георгий освятил землю для пристройки нового прицерковного зала. (more…)

: The Life and Legacy of Archbishop Sava Raevsky 1892 – 1976

archbishop_savaA lecture prepared by Very Rev Dr Michael Protopopov on the “Life and Legacy of Archbishop Sava Raevsky” which was delivered to the Australian and New Zealand clergy at the Pastoral Retreat  on Friday 25 March 2016.

Archbishop Sava was born Theodore Feodorovich Raevsky on 10 February 1892 in the city of Efmenov in the Tula Province, just south of Moscow. Theodore Raevsky Snr was a public servant who managed a number of country estates for the local nobility, whilst his mother, Alexandra Troitsky, was the daughter and granddaughter of priests. Young Theodore was sent to study at the Tula Theological Seminary at his mother’s insistence, from which he graduated in 1911. He then enrolled in the history and philosophy section of the School of Jurisprudence, at the Warsaw University, which, in 1916, was evacuated to Rostov-on-Don because of the proximity of the German Front. (more…)

: Торжество Православия в Петропавловском Кафедральном соборе в г. Стратфильде

torzhestvo_pravoslavie_2016_2720-го марта 2016г., в день Торжество Православия, Епископ Канберрский Георгий совершил Божественную Литургию и Чин Православия.

Его Преосвященству сослужили ключарь собора прот. Георгий Лапардин, иерей Александр Корженевский, настоятель храма Святого Великомученика Георгия Победоносца в Карлтоне, протод. Александр Котляров и протод. Константин Мошегов. (more…)

: Заседание Епархиального совета Австралийско-Новозеландской Епархии март 2016г

diocesan_council_032016В четверг, 3-го марта 2016 г. Высокопреосвященнейший Митрополит Иларион возглавил в своей резиденции в Кройдоне, НЮУ, заседания Духовного совета, Правления имущественного опекунства Епархии в штате НЮУ и Епархиального Совета. (more…)

: Australian and New Zealand Diocesan Council Meeting March 2016

diocesan_council_032016On Thursday 3 March 2016, His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion hosted meetings at his residence in Croydon, NSW, of the Spiritual Council, the Board of the Russian Orthodox Church (NSW) Property Trust, and the Diocesan Council.  (more…)

: Епископ Георгий Совершил Вечерню с Чином Прощения

forgivness_sunday_2016_4Вечером 13 марта 2016 года, в неделю сыропустную, Его Преосвяшенство Преосвященнейший Епископ Георгий совершил вечерню с чином прощения в петропавловском кафедральном соборе Стратфилд. Ему сослужило соборное духовенство. (more…)

: His Grace Bishop George participates in Patriarchal Divine Liturgy

st_luke_soc_liverpool_032016_9On Saturday 12 March 2016, His Holiness Patriarch Irinej of the Serbian Orthodox Church presided over the Divine Liturgy at St Luke the Apostle Serbian Orthodox Church Liverpool NSW. Co-celebrating with His Holiness were His Eminence Amphilochius, Archbishop of Cetinje and Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral, His Grace Irenej, Bishop of Australia and New Zealand, Serbian Orthodox Church, His Grace Bishop George of Canberra, Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and clergy from the Serbian and Russian Orthodox Churches. (more…)

: His Grace Bishop George Meets the Serbian Patriarch Irinej

patr_irinej_2016_12On the evening of Thursday 10 March 2016, His Grace Bishop George of Canberra and Protodeacon Alexander Kotlaroff participated in the reception of His Holiness Serbian Patriarch Irinej hosted by the Consulate General of the Republic of Serbia, Sydney. (more…)