: His Grace Bishop George celebrates the second day of the Nativity of our Lord

On Sunday, 8 January 2017, the second day of the Nativity of our Lord, His Grace Bishop George celebrated the Divine Liturgy at All Saints of Russia church in Croydon NSW. Co-celebrating with Bishop George were priest Simon Nekipelov (rector) and protodeacons Alexander Kotlaroff, Constantine Moshegov and Martin Naef.

Following the Liturgy, the faithful were invited to the Diocesan Headquarters for a festive lunch hosted by His Grace Bishop George. During the lunch, the ROCOR Sydney Youth Choir performed carols under the direction of Eustratius Papageorgiou.


: His Grace Bishop George celebrates the Nativity of our Lord at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield – photoreport

: Рождественское послание Высокопреосвященнейшего Илариона, митрополита Восточно-Американского и Нью-Йоркского, Первоиерарха Русской Зарубежной Церкви


Движимый самыми глубокими чувствами братской любви и радости духовной о Родившемся в Вифлееме Спасителе мира, приветствую собратьев-архипастырей, духовенство, монашество и всех верных чад Русской Зарубежной Церкви с великим и священным праздником Рождества Христова!
Благословенная Рождественская ночь! (more…)

: The 6th Diocesan Teen Retreat Concluded

From 19-23 December, 2016, the Diocesan Teen Retreat was held on the Sunshine Coast in southeast Queensland, with the blessing of Metropolitan Hilarion.

The organising committee, successively headed by Priest John Weir and Priest Andrew Smith, had selected the Sunshine Coast Recreation Centre as the place for just over 50 teens, travelling from near and far, to draw closer to God and develop connections that will last a lifetime. When planning, the successful balance of spiritual with social was maintained – the mornings had talks and discussions from invited guests, the afternoons had organised outdoor activities, while the evenings had enjoyable indoor activities and free time for socialising. (more…)

: Holy Trinity Monastery Jordanville, NY launches a new Orthodox Life website

Dear friends,

We are overjoyed to announce the launch of our new Orthodox Life website! OrthodoxLife.org provides Orthodox Christians and inquirers with the sober teachings and reflections of the Orthodox Church that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent (John 17:3). New content will be posted on a weekly basis utilizing all the best forms of digital media. Best of all, OrthodoxLife.org is provided free of charge to all visitors. Please join us, bookmark the site, and like our Facebook page to see new articles as they are posted! (more…)

: Presentation of the Mother of God Convent, Bungarby – Feast Day Photo Report

bungarby03Photo report from Feast Day celebrations at the Presentation of the Mother of God Convent, Bungarby, NSW.



. (more…)

: Скончалась матушка Антонина Павловна Евстигнеева

mat_tonia_2016В четверг, 8 декабря 2016 после тяжелой и продолжительной болезни отошла ко Господу матушка Антонина Павловна Евстигнеева, супруга протодиакона Бориса старейшего клирика Австралийско-Новозеландской епархии.

Матушка Антонина много лет пела в церковном хоре Петропавловского Кафедрального Собора и также много лет трудилась в качестве педагога в св. Николаевской Русской школе.

Отпевание матушки состоится в среду, 14 декабря в 11:00, в Петропавловском Кафедральном Соборе, Стратфильд.

: His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion and His Grace Bishop George Celebrate the Divine Liturgy at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield

mh_sobor_27122016_8On Sunday, 27 November 2016, the feast day of Holy Apostle Philip, His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, Archbishop of Sydney, Australia and New Zealand celebrated the Divine Liturgy at Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield. His Eminence was joined by His Grace Bishop George of Canberra, Vicar and Administrator of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese, the Cathedral dean, Archpriest George Lapardin and the Cathedral Protodeacons Alexander Kotlaroff and Constantine Moshegov.

During the Sixth Hour, His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion tonsured Nektary Kotlaroff a reader. (more…)

: Епархиальное Собрание Австралийско-Новозеландской Епархии РПЦЗ, 16-19 ноября 2016 г


С вечера среды 16-го ноября до вечера субботы 19-го ноября 2016 г. много духовенства и верующих Австралийско-Новозеландской Епархии собралось в Сиднее на Восемнадцатое Епархиальное Собрание и на празднование двадцатой годовщины служения Митрополита Илариона Правящим Архиереем.

В среду вечером служили в прекрасном храме Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы в Кабраматта, шт. Н.Ю.У. Службу вёл иерей Александр Парамонов при протодиаконе Василии Козулине.  Пел хор под управлением Андрея Лаптева. Митрополит Иларион, Епископ Георгий и Епархиальное духовенство молились в храме. Впоследствии многие собрались в прицерковном зале на ужин. (more…)

: The Australian-New Zealand Diocesan Assembly ROCOR 16-19 November 2016.


From the evening of Wednesday 16 November until the afternoon of Saturday 19 November 2016, a great many of the clergy and faithful of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese gathered in Sydney, NSW, for the Eighteenth Diocesan Assembly and for the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of Metropolitan Hilarion’s service as Ruling Bishop.

On Wednesday evening Matins was served at the beautiful church of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin in Cabramatta, NSW.   The service was led by Priest Alexander Paramonov with Protodeacon Vasily Kozulin assisting.  A choir sang under the direction of Andrei Laptev.  Metropolitan Hilarion, Bishop George and the Diocesan clergy prayed in church.  Afterwards, many gathered in the church hall for supper. (more…)