: Bishop George of Canberra visits Eastern American Diocese

After the ROCOR Council of Bishops completed its work in Munich, His Grace George, Bishop of Canberra (vicar of the Diocese of Australia & New Zealand) paid an archpastoral visit to the Eastern American Diocese. For more information click here.

: His Grace Bishop George Celebrates the feast of All Saints of Russia at the Synodal Cathedral of the Sign in New York City

As posted on the Eastern American Diocese website, on the feast day of All Saints of Russia, His Grace Bishop George together with His Grace Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan, celebrated the divine services in the Synodal Cathedral of the Sign in New York City. For more information please click here.

: Epistle of the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia

We, the hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, gathered for a Council of Bishops in the God-preserved city of Munich during the celebration of the Pentecost, in the blessed presence of the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God “of the Sign.” This year we remember with sorrow the hundredth anniversary of the terrible, bloody events of 1917; we are at the same time filled with joy over the anniversary of the restoration of the patriarchate and the tenth anniversary of the reestablishment of unity within the Russian Church. (more…)

: Послание Архиерейского Собора Русской Православной Церкви Заграницей

Мы, архиереи Русской Православной Церкви Заграницей, собрались на Архиерейский Собор в богоспасаемом граде Мюнхене в дни попразднства Пятидесятницы, осеняемые присутствием чудотворной иконы Курско-Коренной Божией Матери. В нынешнем году мы со скорбью отмечаем столетие страшных кровавых событий 1917 года; одновременно нас наполняют и радостные переживания – 100-летие восстановления патриаршества и 10-летие восстановления единства Русской Церкви. (more…)

: Patriarchal Greeting to the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia

To His Eminence, the Very Most Reverend Hilarion Metropolitan of Eastern America & New York First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad

To the Eminent Archpastors, Members of the Council of Bishops of the Russian Church Abroad

Beloved in the Lord Metropolitan Hilarion, Eminent Archpastors! (more…)

: Bishop George celebrates the divine services for the great feast of Pentecost at Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral

On 3rd and 4th June, the feast day of the Holy Trinity, His Grace Bishop George led the divine services at Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral. Co-celebrating with His Grace were the Cathedral dean Archpriest George Lapardin, protodeacons, Alexander Kotlaroff, Martin Naef and deacon Michael Storozhev.


: Anniversary of the repose of Archbishop Theodore (Rafalsky)

Today is the anniversary of the repose of the ever-memorable Archbishop Theodore (Rafalsky) (1895-1955), the first Ruling Bishop of the Australian-New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia. After his arrival in Australia in November 1948 Vladyka Theodore organised many parishes and communities of believers, received clergy into the Diocese, laid the groundwork for a proper Diocesan administration, and oversaw the building and consecration of Saints Peter and Paul Diocesan Cathedral in Strathfield, NSW. He was known for his humility, his warmth, and his simplicity. He reposed on 5 May 1955 following a brief illness, aged only 59, and was laid to rest beside the Strathfield Cathedral. Memory Eternal!


: His Grace Bishop George of Canberra visits New Zealand

On Thursday, 20 April 2017, the second week of Pascha, His Grace Bishop George of Canberra paid an archpastoral visit to New Zealand where he spent two weeks travelling to all the parishes, serving and getting acquainted with parish life. On 31 April 2017, Bishop George consecrated St Nicholas church in Christchurch. For more information and to view photos please click here.

: Пасхальная служба в Петропавловском кафедральном соборе в Сиднее

На праздничную Пасхальную службу в кафедральный Петропавловский собор в Сиднее собралось около тысячи православных. Службу возглавил епископ Канберрский Георгий, ему сослужили протоиерей Георгий Лапардин и протодиакон Александр Котляров. На службе присутствовал посол России Г.С.Логвинов с супругой.

В этом году празднование Воскресения Христова совпадает по календарю у разных христианских деноминаций, однако только православная церковь встречает Светлое Воскресение в полночь. Редакторы «Единения» побывали на праздничной службе в Петропавловском кафедральном соборе в сиднейском районе Стратфилд. Днем и вечером в субботу в недавно обновленном прицерковном зале, по традиции священник собора отец Георгий совершал освящение куличей и пасхальных яиц. Праздничную службу возглавил епископ Канберрский Георгий, ему сослужили протоиерей Георгий Лапардин и протодиакон Александр Котляров, другие священнослужители. Руководитель Австралийско-новозеландской епархии, Первоиерарх РПЦЗ митрополит Иларион прислал из Нью-Йорка православным Пасхальное послание. (more…)

: Епископ Георгий совершил вечерню Святаго Великаго Пятка и утреню Великой Субботы в Петропавловском кафедральном соборе