Filed under 1 Diocesan News, English, Photos / Фото
Tags: Bishop George, Metropolitan Hilarion
On Friday, 15 March 2019 His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, Archbishop of Sydney Australia and New Zealand arrived in Australia. His Eminence is expected to stay in Australia until Pascha.
On Saturday, 16 March 2019 and Sunday, 17 March 2019 His Eminence together with His Grace Bishop George celebrated the Sunday of Orthodoxy services at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral Strathfield. Co-served with His Eminence and His Grace were the Cathedral clergy, Archpriest George Lapardin, Priest Michael Storozhev, Protodeacon’s Alexander Kotlaroff and Constantine Moshegov. The Rite of Orthodoxy was intoned by Protodeacon Alexander. (more…)
Filed under 2 Parish News, Photos / Фото, Русский
Tags: Dandenong
Прихода светлого праздника Рождества ждут и взрослые, и дети. Этот день всем верующим дает ощущение уюта и покоя, а их сердца согревает надежда, что будущее обязательно будет светлым. (more…)
Filed under 2 Parish News, Photos / Фото, Русский
Сочельник – день особого молитвенного размышления, время приготовления к великой радости праздника Рождества Христова. Великое Повечерие, к большой радости насельников дома престарелых “Кронштадтские сады”, которые не смогут посетить ночную службу, настоятель прихода митр. Прот. Михиал Протопопов служит в часовне св. Прав. Иоанна Кронштдтского на территории комплекса. (more…)
Filed under 1 Diocesan News, 3 Articles & Sermons, English, Photos / Фото
Tags: Fr Seraphim Slade
Fr Seraphim Slade fell asleep in the Lord on 25 December 2018 on the feast of St Herman of Alaska and St Spiridon after complications from surgery for long-standing illness.
Fr Seraphim was, the first Aboriginal man to become an Orthodox clergyman. He worked for many years as a radio broadcaster in regional communities. He also worked in Aboridignal prison ministry since 2004. He was, for many years, a sub deacon in the Russian Orthodox Cathedral of the Protection of the Mother of God in Melbourne. He began missionary work to his own Aboriginal people in March 2008, and later that same year, in Canberra, he was ordained to the diaconate on the parish Feast day of the Nativity of St John the Forerunner (7 July 2008). His diaconate did not last long, as he was ordained a priest soon after. In 2009, he established a chapel dedicated to the memory of St John of Shanghai and San Francisco in his home in Gunning and continued to serve there and in Canberra. (more…)
Filed under 1 Diocesan News, 3 Articles & Sermons, English, Photos / Фото
Tags: Teen Retreat
The 2018 Teen Retreat saw almost 60 high school students, from parishes around Australia, travel to Stanwell Tops, south of Sydney, from 16-21 December – the eighth in a series of successful Teen Retreats hosted by different cities of our Diocese.
The highlight of the first day saw the Teen Retreat receiving the Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God as it travelled around the country. A moleben was served in its presence to open the retreat, followed by venerating the icon and a talk from Bishop George of Canberra on the history of the icon. This proved to be a wonderful beginning to the Retreat, followed by Icebreaker games run by Helen Alalikin. As always, it didn’t take long to feel as if the Retreaters had long known each other. (more…)
Filed under 1 Diocesan News, English, Photos / Фото
On 25 December 2018, the rector of St John of Shanghai and San Francisco mission in Gunning NSW Priest Seraphim Slade reposed in the Lord following a long illness.
On Friday, 28 December a Divine Liturgy will be served at 8:00am at the Holy Protection Church Cabramatta. The funeral service will be held following the Divine Liturgy.
Memory Eternal.
Filed under 1 Diocesan News, 3 Articles & Sermons, English, Photos / Фото
Tags: Kursk-Root Icon, Strathfield, Teen Retreat
On Friday, 14 December 2018, His Grace Bishop George of Canberra brought the holy Kursk-root Icon of the Mother of God from New York to the Australian and New Zealand Diocese. At 10am the faithful of Sydney parishes greeted the holy icon at the Diocesan Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul in Strathfield where a moleben was served.
On Saturday, 15 December 2018 and Sunday, 16 December 2018, the holy icon was present at Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral Strathfield for the services which were led by His Grace Bishop George. Co-serving with His Grace were the cathedral clergy protopriest George Lapardin, priest Michael Storozhev and protodeacon Alexander Kotlaroff. (more…)
Filed under 2 Parish News, English, Photos / Фото, Русский
Tags: Dandenong
10 сентября 2018 года, на 75-ом году жизни, после тяжелой и продолжительной болезни отошла ко Господу матушка Кира Михайловна, верная спутница митрофорного протоиерея Михаила Протопопова.
Кира Михайловна родилась в Харбине (Китай) в семье русского инженера энергетика Михаила Николаевича Рождественского и гречанки Евгении Георгиевны Евангелидис, фармацевта.
27 ноября 1943 года, в 10 лет она вместе с родными переезжает в город Лаврион под Афинами (Греция) и там завершает свое образование. (more…)
Filed under 2 Parish News, 3 Articles & Sermons, Photos / Фото, Русский
Tags: Melbourne
11 сентября (в день памяти Усекновения главы Пророка, Иоанна Предтечи, когда по православной традиции поминаются все воины «положившие свой живот за Веру, Царя и Отечество») в парке при военном мемориальном комплексе Мельбурна “SHRINE OF REMEMBRANCE” у поминальной плиты под раскидистым ясенем служилась заупокойная лития в память о Русской Императорской армии и 1000 русских граждан, служивших в Австралийских частях в годы Первой Мировой войны (1914 – 1918 гг). (more…)
Filed under 2 Parish News, 3 Articles & Sermons, Photos / Фото, Русский
Tags: Bishop George, Dandenong
Дружно и с теплым гостеприимством данденонгский приход отметил свой престольный праздник в день Успения Божией матери.
Это – горячо любимый всеми верующими праздник, окрашенный одновременно печалью об окончании жизненного пути Заступницы нашей Небесной, и радостью о соединении Пречистой Матери Господней с Сыном Своим. (more…)