: Archbishop Michael celebrates the Divine Liturgy at the Diocesan Cathedral

On Sunday 23 July/5 August 2012 on the Feast Day of the Holy Wonderworking Icon of the Mother of God of Pochaev the Divine Liturgy was celebrated at the Diocesan Cathedral of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul by His Eminence, Archbishop Michael of Geneva and Western Europe. Concelebrating with his Eminence were Archpriest George Lapardin and Protodeacon Alexander Kotlaroff.

With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, the ruling Hierarch of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese, Archbishop Michael is visiting the Australian continent for the first time and plans to stay till early September. During this time he hopes to visit many of the parishes of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese including some in Queensland and Victoria. (more…)

: День Преподомномученицы Елизаветы в Веллингтоне (Новая Зеландия)

22 июля в нашем храме прошла праздничная служба в честь прмч. Великой княгини Елизаветы, в честь которой названо сестричество прихода. Все сестры приняли участие в подготовке к празднику, кто-то помог с уборкой, кто-то с приготовлением праздничной трапезы. Разделить радость праздника пришли наши друзья из сербской церкви: о. Любомир со своими прихожанами. После службы о. Александр произнес проповедь о роли женщины в Церкви и на примере блаженной мученической кончины преподобномученицы Елизаветы рассказал, как важны последние часы и минуты земной жизни и как важно быть готовым достойно встретить их. (more…)

: Saint Vladimir Church Feast Day

On Saturday 15/28 July 2012 the Saint Vladimir Parish in Centennial Park, Sydney celebrated its Feast Day with a large number of clergy concelebrating with the rector Priest Daniel Metlenko. After the Divine Liturgy everyone was invited to the church hall for a festal meal.

Saint Vladimir Church is the oldest Russian Orthodox Church in Sydney and the second oldest in all of Australia.

Below is a photoreport of the event. (more…)

: Ticketing information for the Australian tour of Frederica Mathews-Green

: В Петропавловском кафедральном соборе отметили престольный праздник

Православная церковь отмечает день святых апостолов Петра и Павла 12 июля. Главный русский православный храм в Сиднее, носящий имя первоверховных апостолов, отмечал в этот день свой престольный праздник.

Несмотря на рабочий день, в собор, расположенный на тихой улочке недалеко от станции Стратфилд, на службу пришло более четырехсот человек. Всех, подходящих к храму, встречает красивая мозаичная икона, установленная над главным входом. Над этой мозаикой целый год работали в Свято-Преображенском монастыре в Бомбала. В центре ее изображен Иисус Христос, вручающий покровителями храма — апостолам Петру и Павлу — венец и меч. Приходской совет прилагает немало усилий для обновления храма, где появились новые иконы. Не так давно был проведен ремонт прицерковного зала. В планах приходского совета — внутренняя роспись храма. В следующем году сиднейский Петропавловский собор будет отмечать 60 лет со дня своего основания. (more…)

: Feast Day of All Saints of Russia, Croydon

On Saturday the 16th and Sunday 17th June 2012, the feast day of All Saints of Russia, divine services were held in Croydon NSW in honour of the parish’s feast day. On Saturday evening, the All-Night Vigil was led by His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad with parish clergy Fr Michael Li, Fr David Lloyd, Deacon Constantine Moshegov and clergy from neighbouring parishes.

In the early morning the following day, the lessor blessing of the waters was served by Fr Michael Li and Deacon Constantine Moshegov. (more…)

: Invitation – Talk For Young Parents on Understanding Discipline in the Orthodox Context

: Feast Day of All Saints Church, Kentlyn

On Sunday the 10th of June, the Feast of All Saints was celebrated at the old monastery Church of All Saints, Kentlyn, NSW by His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion. A part of the original monastery building erected in the 1960’s at Our Lady of Kazan Monastery, All Saints Church is well known to the older generations of Sydney’s Russian community. With the blessing of the late Abbess Evpraxia, and her successor Abbess Maria, this modest church has, since Thomas Sunday 1999, been the home of a small, but dedicated congregation which uses English in their worship, the only ROCOR congregation in Sydney to do so. Around 80 parishioners and visitors, representing many cultural traditions: Russian, Serbian, Greek, Cypriot, Austrian, Palestinian, Irish, Lebanese, Romanian, Syrian, British, Filipino and Australian, were joined by Abbess Maria and the monastery sisterhood at the feast day service. (more…)

: Pentecost at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral

The Great Feast of Pentecost was celebrated at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral in Strathfield by His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, together with the cathedral clergy – Archpriest George Lapardin, Priest Simeon Nekipelov, Protodeacon Boris Evstigneev and Protodeacon Alexander Kotlaroff.

At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy the service of Vespers together with the Pentecost Kneeling Prayers was completed by His Eminence and the above named clergy. (more…)

: Invitation – St John of Shanghai and San Francisco Feast Day, Gunning