: Православный Вестник – №49 июль 2013


: Rebuilding the Joseph Colony Badami Bagh Lahore

Rebuilding the ravaged community of Joseph Colony Badami Bagh Lahore 

St. Michael the Archangel Orthodox Mission in Pakistan

(Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia in Pakistan)

paki_jcolony01The arson attack on the Christian settlement known as Joseph Colony Badami Bagh Lahore on 9th March 2013 brought into the news another story of religious bigotry and violence among the oppressed Christian minority in Pakistan. More than 200 houses of Christian inhabitants were set on fire by the extremist mob of around 3,000. This wanton act of violence was planned after an alleged charge of blasphemy against a Christian man Sawan Masih by a Muslim man Imran. The government of Pakistan, law enforcement agencies, electronic media and social organizations are well aware that it was a conspiracy to grab the land by the surrounding iron factory owners. (more…)

: His Grace Bishop George’s visit to Australia – a further photo-report

bgeorgesydney1A photo-report on Bishop George’s visit to Australia follows below.






: 60-летие Петропавловского кафедрального собора

sobor2013_22По благословению Высокопреосвященнейшего митрополита Илариона Божественную Литургию в день 60-летия Петропавловского кафедрального собора возглавил Преосвященный Георгий, епископ Мэйфилдский.

На малом входе, по благословению Высокопреосвященнейшего митрополита Илариона, иерей Иаков был награжден правом ношения золотого креста, а иерей Симеон был награжден правом ношения набедренника: (more…)

: Feast Day of Saint John the Baptist Church in Canberra

canberra2013_16The parish of Saint John the Baptist in Canberra celebrated its feast day on the second Sunday after Pentecost. The Divine Liturgy was celebrated by His Grace Bishop George of Mayfield together with Archpriest Alexander Morozow, the rector of the parish, Archpriest George Lapardin, Hieromonk Sergius (Shatrov), Priests Alexander Korjenevski, Alexander Borodin, Seraphim Slade and Protodeacon Alexander Kotlaroff. (more…)

: Feast Day of Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco Mission in Gunning

gunning2013_13With the blessing of his Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, the 5th Patronal feast-day of  Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco Australian Orthodox Aboriginal Mission at Gunning was held on Saturday the 6th of July 2013.

The Hierarchical Liturgy was celebrated by his Grace Bishop George of Mayfield, together with Priests Seraphim Slade (rector), Daniel Metlenko (Centennial Park), Constantine Tzortsis (Kentlyn), Dionysios Halim (Indonesia) and Protodeacon Alexander Kotlaroff (Sts Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield) and Deacon Stephen McKay (Centennial Park). (more…)

: Визит в Австралию и Новую Зеландию Протодиакона Андрея Кураева

По благословению Высокопреосвященнейшего Митрополита Илариона Австралийско-Новозеландскую епархию посетит с лекциями

Профессор Московской Духовной Академии
Протодиакон Андрей Кураев



: Ежегодный Пушкинский конкурс в Данденонге

pushkin2В Церковно-приходской школе в Данденонге прошел Ежегодный Пушкинский конкурс.

В этом году, после десятилетнего перерыва, конкурс прошел c участием детей из церковно-приходской школы при Свято-Покровском храме в Брансвике.

Тема конкурса «Россия – Отечество мое».

Как пробудить в наших детях чувство любви к России и сохранить его? Учителя и родители, кто любит (more…)

: Announcement from Metropolitan Hilarion – Bishop George of Mayfield to visit the Australian and New Zealand Diocese

met_hilarion4Beloved in Christ, the clergy and faithful of the Australian & New Zealand Diocese,

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!

Through circumstances beyond my control, I am unable to visit the Diocese at the end of this month and for most of July, as I had planned.

I have asked His Grace, Bishop George of Mayfield, my vicar bishop in the Eastern American Diocese, to visit Australia in my place and to celebrate the divine services in our churches, especially those that will be celebrating their parish feast days.

Bishop George is a much respected and loved hierarch of our Church in the United States. He lived for many years in Holy Trinity Monastery in Jordanville and is well known to many of our clergy who studied at our seminary at the monastery. Vladyka George now heads the Holy Cross Monastery in West Virginia.

+ Metropolitan Hilarion

Download Bishop George’s Schedule:


: Invitation – Saint John of Shanghai & San Francisco Parish Feast Day, Gunning