: Schedule for Miracle-working Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God

9-12 May – Kursk-Root Icon in Strathfield Cathedral area, for further information contact Archpriest George Lapardin on (02) 9868 5469

12 May, from 9am – visit to the Saint Alexander Nevsky Russian School

12-13 May – All-Night Vigil and Divine Liturgy at Our Lady of Kazan Monastery, Kentlyn

13-20 May – Kursk-Root Icon in Cabramatta area, for further information contact Priest Boris Ignatievsky on (02) 4625 7743

20-24 May – Kursk-Root Icon in Fairfield area, for further information contact Archpriest Nikita Chemodakov on (02) 9604 7528

25-26 May – Archbishop Hilarion will visit the Gold Coast community of Saints Cyril and Methody with the Holy Icon

26-27 May, Pentecost – All-Night Vigil and Divine Liturgy at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield

28 May – Archbishop Hilarion will visit the Holy Trinity Monastery, Dungog with the Holy Icon. For further information contact Hieromonk John (Macpherson) on (02) 4951 5480

29 May – further details to be announced

: Miracle-working Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God arrives in Sydney on 24 April

His Grace Archbishop Hilarion will arrive back in Sydney on Tuesday 24 April bringing with him the Miracle-working Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God, the Protectress of the Russian Diaspora. Everyone is invited to attend 

A Molieben and Akathist to be served before the Kursk Icon at the Archbishop’s Chapel, Chelmsford Avenue, Croydon at 6.00pm on Wednesday 25 April

The Icon will then travel to Brisbane and an itinerary will be arranged for visits to other parishes in Australia. There will certainly be opportunities to venerate the Holy Icon in Sydney after the itinerary has been finalised.

Please let your Orthodox friends and acquaintances know of the Icon’s visit – all are welcome to venerate the Holy Icon and to ask for the intercession of the Mother of God.

: Пасхальное послание Высокопреосвященнейшего Митрополита Лавра

Читайте Пасхальное послание Высокопреосвященнейшего Митрополита Лавра, Первоиерарха Русской Зарубежной Церкви, здесь.

: Pascha Photos

Parishes of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese!

Send us your Pascha photos for inclusion on the diocesan website!

Ask your parish rector or website representative for the contact details.

(All parishes would have recently received a letter from the diocesan website committee with this information.)

: Paschal Epistle of His Grace, Archbishop Hilarion

Paschal Epistle
of His Grace, Archbishop Hilarion of Sydney
Australia & New Zealand

The Lord’s Pascha 2007

Beloved in the Lord, Clergy and Faithful
of the Australian & New Zealand Diocese!

C h r i s t . i s . R i s e n !

With great joy and spiritual gladness Orthodox Christians in all corners of the world radiantly glorify today the Vanquisher of death, our Lord Jesus Christ Who rose from the dead. For those who believe in Christ, death no longer evokes fear, for death is no more, it has been destroyed by His death on the Cross at Golgotha and by His glorious Resurrection. (more…)

: Пасхальное послание Преосвященного Архиепископа Илариона

Пасхальное послание
Преосвященного Архиепископа Илариона
Сиднейского и Австралийско-Новозеландского

Пасха Господня 2007 г.

Возлюбленные о Господе Клир и Паства Австралийско-Новозеландской Епархии!

Х р и с т о с . В о с к р е с е !

С великой радостью и духовным веселием православные христиане во всех концах земного шара светло празднуют ныне Победителя смерти, Воскресшего из мертвых Господа Иисуса Христа. Для верующего во Христа смерть уже не страшна, ибо смерти нет, она умерщвлена Его крестной смертью на Голгофе и славным Его Воскресением. (more…)

: Photos from the Clergy Conference

: Invitation to start of Young Adult Lecture Series

As part of an Australia-wide Diocesan initiative to meet the needs of the youth of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, an invitation is extended to all youth and young adults to attend an informal lecture (in English) to be given by His Grace Archbishop Hilarion at Holy Protection Church, Cabramatta on at 7.30pm on Thursday 1 March 2007. (more…)

: The Synodal Youth Department Meets in New York

On February 13-14, the Synodal Youth Department convened under the chairmanship of His Grace Bishop Peter of Cleveland, Administrator of the Diocese of Chicago and Mid-America. Participating in this meeting was the Rector of St Nicholas Cathedral in Brisbaine, Australia, Protopriest Gabriel Makarov, who delivered a noteworthy lecture at the IV All-Diaspora Council; the Senior Priest of the Synodal Cathedral of Our Lady of the Sign, Protopriest Andrei Sommer; and Priest Serafim Gan, Personal Secretary of His Eminence Metropolitan Laurus, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia. (more…)

: При Архиерейском Синоде состоялось заседание синодального отдела по работе с молодежью

13-14 февраля под председательством епископа Кливлендского Петра, Управляющего Чикагской и Средне-Американской епархией, проходило заседание синодального отдела по работе с молодежью. В этом заседании приняли участие настоятель Николаевского собора в г. Брисбене (Австралия) протоиерей Гавриил Макаров, выступивший с замечательным докладом о работе с молодежью на IV Всезарубежном Соборе; ключарь Знаменского кафедрального собора при Архиерейском Синоде протоиерей Андрей Соммер и священник Серафим Ган, личный секретарь Первоиерарха Русской Зарубежной Церкви. (more…)