: Сообщение из канцелярии Первоиерарха Русской Зарубежной Церкви о молитвенном поминовении приснопамятного митрополита Филарета (Вознесенского)

Преосвященные собратья-архипастыри, всечестные отцы, дорогие о Господе братья и сестры!

21 ноября, в праздник собора Архистратига Божия Михаила и прочих Небесных Сил бесплотных, исполняется 25 лет со времени кончины приснопамятного митрополита Филарета (Вознесенского), третьего по счету Первоиерарха Русской Зарубежной Церкви, одного из моих предшественников по Восточно-Американской кафедре, хиротонисавшего мое недостоинство во епископы в 1984 г. В этот день мною будет совершена Божественная литургия в Архангело-Михайловской церкви в Патерсоне (Нью-Джерси), после которой будет предложена общая поминальная трапеза в большом приходском зале, где будет прочитан доклад о жизненном пути приснопамятного владыки Филарета с презентацией редких снимков, а в Свято-Троицком монастыре в Джорданвилле, у места его погребения, богослужения в тот же день возглавит епископ Манхеттенский Иероним, викарий Восточно-Американской епархии. (more…)

: “Православие – единственная альтернатива” – Интервью с епископом Штутгартским Агапитом

Около 4 месяцев в Австралии находился епископ Штутгартский Агапит. Перед своим отъездом в Германию владыка любезно согласился побеседовать с редактором газеты «Единение».

– Ппреосвященнейший владыка, что было главной целью Вашей поездки в австралийскую епархию и удалось ли сделать все, что было задумано?

– Меня попросил митрополит Иларион заменить его в Австралии на период около 4 месяцев. На это время меня освободили от обязанностей в Германской епархии. Четыре месяца пролетели довольно быстро, я посетил большинство приходов в Австралии, участвовал в службах, встречался со священниками и прихожанами и вот мой визит заканчивается. (more…)

: Announcement – Bishop Agapit of Stuttgart has returned to Germany


His Grace, Bishop Agapit of Stuttgart returned to Germany on 9 November.

Members of the Diocesan Council met with His Grace on the morning of his departure to thank him for his visit and archpastoral care during the past four months.

After a relaxing luncheon, Mitred Archpriest Michael Protopopov and Archpriest George Lapardin accompanied His Grace to the airport.

His Eminence, Metropolitan Hilarion is expected to return to Australia on 23 December 2010.

: Communique of the First Episcopal Assembly of all canonical Orthodox Bishops of Oceania

Communique of the First Episcopal Assembly of all canonical Orthodox Bishops of Oceania

The members of the First Episcopal Assembly of all canonical Orthodox Bishops of Oceania welcomed the opportunity to meet in Sydney from 16-18 October, 2010 under the chairmanship ex officio of His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos of Australia.

The Assembly commenced with a Divine Liturgy manifesting our essential Eucharistic unity at the Cathedral of the Annunciation of the Theotokos, Redfern, Sydney.

In accordance with the decisions of the pre-conciliar Pan-Orthodox Conference convened in Chambésy, Switzerland from 6 – 13 June, 2009, the canonical Orthodox Bishops met in a brotherly spirit, and after lengthy and edifying discussion centred on issues of mutual concern, such as pastoral care, catechesis, liturgical life, reaffirmed the unity of all canonical Orthodox Churches. (more…)

: Syezd 2010 – Call for Papers

: Bishop Agapit of Stuttgart, Vicar of the German Diocese, arrives in Australia – Photoreport

: Bishop Agapit to arrive as originally scheduled

Breaking News – Bishop Agapit will arrive in the Australian and New Zealand Diocese as originally scheduled and will serve at the Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral on Sunday 11th July and Monday 12th July for the Feast of theHoly Apostles Peter and Paul.

Divine Liturgy begins at 9am – all welcome!

: Two Hierarchs of the Diocese of Berlin and Germany Survive a Car Accident – Bishop Agapit’s visit to Australia postponed

At approximately midnight of July 4, 2010, His Eminence Archbishop Mark of Berlin and Germany and His Grace Bishop Agapit of Stuttgart, returning to the Monastery of St Job of Pochaev in Munich from a visit to the Women’s Skete in Buchendorf, were involved in an auto accident in Bavaria.

Upon entering the A8 highway between Stuttgart and Munich, the BMW carrying the hierarchs was hit from behind by a car driven by a drunk driver who had been celebrating Germany’s victory over Argentina in the World Cup games in South Africa.

Vladyka Mark, sitting in the back seat, and the driver, suffered no injuries, but Vladyka Agapit, who was sitting beside the driver, suffered injuries to the back and neck.

“The back of his seat was broken and flew back, so this was a strong collision, said Vladyka Mark. “The back of the car was crumpled like an accordion and is beyond repair.”

That night, the hierarchs were examined by doctors at Dritter Orden Hospital in Munich. Vladyka Agapit was treated and released. Later that night they returned to St Job Monastery.

As a result of this accident, however, Vladyka Agapit must postpone his planned July 5 trip to the Diocese of Australia and New Zealand, where he was to serve on a temporary basis.

Source: Synod of Bishops

: Syezd Youth Conference 2010 website

The website of the Syezd Youth Conference 2010 is now available:

: Announcement – Holy Protection Parish, Cabramatta to hold Liturgical Music Seminar, 27-30 May 2010

The parish of the Protection of the Holy Virgin in Cabramatta will hold a Liturgical Music Seminar from Thursday 27th May to Sunday 30th May, 2010.

The objective of this Seminar, supported by the and the Australia and New Zealand Diocesan (ROCOR) Sacred Music Committee, is to bring together singers and conductors and together to explore the wealth and majesty of Russian liturgical music through lectures, hands-on workshops, rehearsals and divine services.

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