: Заседание Епархиального совета Австралийско-Новозеландской Епархии

В четверг, 17-го декабря 2015 г. Епархиальный совет собрался в Кройдоне на последнее заседание в 2015 году.

Присутствовали:        Преосвященный Епископ Георгий Канберский; митрофорные протоиереи Михаил Протопопов и Никита Чемодаков; протоиереи Николай Карыпов, Гавриил Макаров и Георгий Лапардин; иерей Яков Карлес протодиакон Александр Абрамов, Николай Недачин, Александр Белоцерковский, Николай Вырубов  и Любовь Коваленко.

Епархиальный совет слушал обычные доклады по епархиальному имуществу, администрации и управленчеству. Приняли к сведению успешное преобразование Епархиального управления с назначением г-жи Ирины Щелоковой как финансового работника и Марики Варболы в качестве административного работника. Эти два новых поста созданы, чтобы обеспечить переход долголетней заведующей епархиальной канцелярии Веры Уит на новую должность личного секретаря Митрополита Илариона и Епископа Георгия. Решено формально оповестить духовенство об этих изменениях в начале 2016 года. (more…)

: A meeting of the Diocesan Council is held

On Thursday 17 December the Diocesan Council convened in Croydon for its final meeting in 2015.  In attendance were His Grace Bishop George of Canberra; Mitred Archpriests Michael Protopopov and Nikita Chemodakov; Archpriests Nicholas Karipoff, Gabriel Makarov, and George Lapardin; Priest James Carles, Protodeacon Alexander Abramoff, Nicholas Nedachin, Alexander Bialocerkowski, Nicholas Wirubov and Lubov Cowall.

The Diocesan Council heard the usual reports on Diocesan property, administration, and governance.  It was noted that the reorganisation of the Diocesan Office was proceeding satisfactorily, with Ms Irina Shchelokova engaged as Finance Officer and Ms Marika Varbola engaged as Administration Officer.   These new positions have been filled in order to support the transition of long-serving Office Manager Ms Vera Wheat to a new role as Personal Assistant to Metropolitan Hilarion and Bishop George.  It was agreed that clergy would be formally advised of these changes early in 2016 and that parishes and Diocesan institutions would at the same time be provided with a list of the matters for which each position had responsibility.  Over lunch, Diocesan Council members had the opportunity to meet and speak with Ms Shchelokova. (more…)

: В Сиднее Отметили 40-ю Годовщину Кончины Протоиерея Ростислава Ганa

fr_rostislav_40_5Во вторник 8 декабря 2015, в 40-ю годовщину со дня смерти церковного деятеля, видного специалиста по православной литургике, протоиерея Ростислава Гана в Свято Покровской церкви в сиднейском районе Кабраматта при большом количестве духовенства и мирян была совершена проникновенная заупокойная служба.

Богослужение возглавил Преосвященнейший владыка Георгий, епископ Канберрский, викарий Австралийско-Новозеландской епархии. Ему сослужили благочинный штата НЮУ протоиерей Никита Чемодаков, приехавший из США внук отца Ростислава протоиерей Серафим Ган, настоятель Покровской церкви отец Борис Игнатьевский, другие священнослужители епархии: Николай Карыпов (из Мельбурна), Гавриил Макаров (из Брисбена), Георгий Лапардин, Иаков Карлес, Александр Корженевский, иеромонах Дорофей (Урусов), Давид Лойд, Дионисий Халим, протодиакон Александр Котляров, иподиаконы Николай Талевиков и Павел Кривошеев. (more…)

: Fortieth Day of the Repose of Protodeacon Nicholas Triantafillidis

fr_nick_40days8On Tuesday 10 November clergy and faithful from across the Sydney region prayerfully remembered the fortieth day of the repose of Protodeacon Nicholas Triantafillidis, a widely-respected clergyman of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia who served the Australian-New Zealand Diocese for ten years.  Gathering that evening in the Diocesan Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul were His Grace Bishop George, Archpriests George Lapardin and Daniel Metlenko, Priests James Carles and Dionysios Halim, Protodeacon Alexander Kotlaroff, family members and friends of the late Father Nicholas, and with a great many of the faithful who knew and admired him. (more…)

: Invitation – 40th anniversary of the repose of ever-memorable Archpriest Rostislav Gan / Сороковая годовщина преставления приснопамятного Протоиерея Ростислава Ган

: Announcement: Panikhida for Newly-reposed Protodeacon Nikolai Triantafillidis

pahikhida_2015On Tuesday 10 November 2015 at 6:30pm there will be a panikhida served at Sts Peter and Paul Cathedral in Strathfield to mark 40 days of the newly-reposed Protodeacon Nikolai Triantafillidis. Fr Nikolai was a former cleric of our Diocese and served at the Cathedral for many years. Following the service the family invites all participants to the church hall for a memorial dinner.

Во вторник 10 ноября 2015 исполняется 40 дней со дня кончины протодиакона Николая Триантафиллидиса. В этот день в 6:30ч вечера в Свято-Петропавловском Кафедральном Соборе, Стратфилд, будет отслужена панихида о новопреставленном. После панихиды семья о. Николая приглашает всех на поминки которые состоятся в прицерковном зале.

: 5th Episcopal Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of Oceania


The members of the 5th Episcopal Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of Oceania welcomed the opportunity to meet in Sydney on Tuesday 13th October, 2015, under the chairmanship ex officio of His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos of Australia.

Present were: His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos (Ecumenical Patriarchate); His Eminence Archbishop Paul (Antiochian Church); His Grace Bishop George (Russian Church); His Grace Bishop Irinej (Serbian Church); His Grace Bishop Mihail (Romanian Church); His Eminence Metropolitan Amphilochios (Ecumenical Patriarchate); His Grace Bishop Ezekiel (Assistant Bishop); His Grace Bishop Seraphim (Assistant Bishop); His Grace Bishop Nikandros (Assistant Bishop) and His Grace Bishop Iakovos (Assistant Bishop). (more…)

: A delegation of the Russian Church Abroad Participates at a Press Conference on the arrival to the Ural Mountains of the Main Holy Icon of the Russian Diaspora

russ_delegation_ural_2015_3On October 1, 2015, TASS Ural hosted a press conference on the arrival to the Ural Mountain region of the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God “of the Sign”, the main holy icon of the Russian diaspora.

The icon will be available for veneration at the Church-on-the-Blood from October 2-7, 2015. The icon’s permanent home is the Synodal Cathedral of Our Lady “of the Sign” in New York, NY. This icon of the Mother of God was first taken to Kursk, Russia, where it was first discovered over 700 years ago, and will now be in Ekaterinburg, brought by its caretaker, His Grace Bishop Nicholas of Manhattan. (more…)

: Announcement: ROCOR Teen Retreat 2015 – Sunshine Coast


: Protodeacon Nicholas Triantafillidis Former Cleric of the Australian and New Zealand Diocese Reposes in the Lord

o_nikolai_trianta_1The Australian and New Zealand Diocese was saddened to hear of the passing of Protodeacon Nicholas Triantafillidis who reposed in the Lord on Friday, October 2, 2015, following a long illness.

Father Nicholas began serving as a deacon in the All Saints of Russia Church, Croydon and later was transferred to Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield where he served for many years. (more…)