: Russian Orthodox Community of Brisbane celebrates its first Priestly Ordinations in 25 Years

The Kursk Root Icon of the Theotokos, accompanied by Archbishop Hilarion, arrived at the Parish of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God at Rocklea at 6pm on Friday the 27 April and was present for Matins.

The following morning, at 8:30am, the holy icon again was present at the Rocklea parish for the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy, presided over by Archbishop Hilarion, accompanied by the prayers of Archpriest Michael Klebansky (Dean of the Queensland parishes), Archpriest Gabriel Makarov, and Hieromonk John Macpherson, and assisted by Deacons Alexander Borodin, Gabriel Lapardin, John Weir and Konstantin Semovskih. (more…)

: An account of the Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God at All Saints of Russia Church, Croydon

On Tuesday, 24 April 2007, through the mercies of God and the gracious assent of the Heavenly Queen herself, the Holy Wonderworking Kursk Root icon of the Mother of God – the Odigitria (Guide) of the Russian diaspora arrived in Australia. With the blessing of the First Hierarch of ROCOR, His Eminence Metropolitan Laurus the holy icon was accompanied by his deputy, Archbishop Hilarion, the ruling bishop of the Sydney, Australia and New Zealand diocese of ROCOR. (more…)

: Чудотворная Курско-Коренная икона Божией Матери в Кройдоне

По Божией милости и соизволением самой Царицы Небесной, во вторник, 24 апреля прибыла в Австралию святая чудотворная Курско-Коренная икона Божией Матери, Одигитрия русского рассеяния. Святую икону, по благословению Первоиерарха РПЦЗ, Высокопреосвященнейшего Митрополита Лавра, сопроводил его Заместитель, Архиепископ Иларион, правящий Cиднейской и Австралийско-Новозеландской епархии РПЦЗ. (more…)

: “Sobor 2006” film in Cabramatta

On Monday, April 30, at 7:00 pm, director Nicholas Sherman’s “Sobor 2006”, a documentary film (in Russian) about the IV All-Diaspora Council of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, will be shown in the Holy Protection Church hall in Cabramatta.

All are welcome to attend!

“Sobor 2006” chronicles the IV All-Diaspora Council of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia in May 2006. By viewing this film you will become a participant of this historical event, a witness to the conciliar process. You will see the opening of the Council, solemn hierarchal services, the Akathist before the Kursk Icon, the working sessions and debates at the Council, rare footage of the great exodus of the White Army out of Russia, the destruction of churches, Patriarch Tikhon and St. John, the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco. (more…)

: Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God at All Saints of Russia Church, Croydon

: On the so-called “RTOC”

Having left the episcopacy of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and joining the schismatic “Russian Orthodox Church in Exile” (ROCiE), Archbishop Lazar (Zhurbenko) and Bishop Veniamin (Rusalenko) arbitrarily formed their own jurisdiction, the “Russian True Orthodox Church” (RTOC). (more…)

: О так называемой «РИПЦ»

Выбывшие из состава епископата Русской Православной Церкви Заграницей и примкнувшие к раскольнической «Русской православной церкви в изгнании», архиепископ Лазарь (Журбенко) и епископ Вениамин (Русаленко) своевольно образовали свою собственную юрисдикцию – «Русскую истинно-православную церковь» (РИПЦ). (more…)

: Miracle-working Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God arrives in Sydney on 24 April

His Grace Archbishop Hilarion will arrive back in Sydney on Tuesday 24 April bringing with him the Miracle-working Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God, the Protectress of the Russian Diaspora. Everyone is invited to attend 

A Molieben and Akathist to be served before the Kursk Icon at the Archbishop’s Chapel, Chelmsford Avenue, Croydon at 6.00pm on Wednesday 25 April

The Icon will then travel to Brisbane and an itinerary will be arranged for visits to other parishes in Australia. There will certainly be opportunities to venerate the Holy Icon in Sydney after the itinerary has been finalised.

Please let your Orthodox friends and acquaintances know of the Icon’s visit – all are welcome to venerate the Holy Icon and to ask for the intercession of the Mother of God.

: Sunday of Myrrh-Bearing Women at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, Strathfield

: Radonitsa at Rookwood Cemetary